VAMOS consortium is happy to announce that, a nacelle LiDAR has been successfully installed on top of Ideol’s Floatgen demonstrator, a floating offshore wind turbine operating for the last two years on the SEM-REV test site. The LiDAR measurement provides valuable information on the incoming wind field that allows the turbine to anticipate wind speed variations. First measurement data are very promising and a longer measurement campaign through the winter will shed more light on the value of LiDAR on floating wind turbines. In the upcoming tasks, VAMOS will look into the validation of simulation tools, real-time LiDAR data processing and advanced controller design for floating turbines. Best practice procedures will be delivered at the end of the project.
The VAMOS project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), and the installation is supported by the Marinet2 H2020 Framework Programme at the SEM-REV test infrastructure.
For more information:
Contact at University of Stuttgart

Umut Özinan
M.Sc.Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter