Fiona Dominique Lüdecke
Modelling and analysis of electro-mechanical interactions in wind turbines
Matthias Kretschmer
Assessment of structural loads in wind farms under consideration of wake redirection control
Feng Guo
Improved modeling of lidar wind preview for wind turbine control
Felipe Alberto Finkenwerder
Verification of the static friction behavior of continuous fiber tapes for processing non-geodesic trajectories by ring filament winding
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Numerische Multiskalen-Permeabilitätsvorhersage von endkonturnahen textilen Fasermodellen
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In-situ Messung der Faserhalbzeugdeformation im Drapierprozess von Kohlenstofffaserverstärkungen
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Numerische Simulation der mechanischen Eigenschaften von Faltkern-Sandwichstrukturen
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Faserverbundwerkstoffe im Automobilbau: Methodischer Ansatz zur Analyse von Schäden
Nicolai Cosack
Fatigue Load Monitoring with Standard Wind Turbine Signals
Andrew George
Optimisation of resin infusion processing for composite materials- simulation and characterisations
Gregor Endres
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Daniel Redmann
Beitrag zur akustischen Auslegung von anisotropen mehrschichtigen Strukturen
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Karl Durst
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Oliver Meyer
Kurzfaser-Preform-Technologie zur kraftflussgerechten Herstellung von Faserverbundbauteilen
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Bernhard Kurz
Contribution to the understanding and improvement of fatigue crack growth behaviour in bonded aircraft structures
Danyck Nguewo
Erstellung und Optimierung der Skalierungsgesetze zur Abschätzung der Aerodynamik und der Eigendynamik eines Flugzeugs auf der Basis von freifliegenden Modellen
Tamas Havar
Beitrag zur Gestaltung und Auslegung von 3D verstärkten Faserverbundschlaufen
Peter Schnauffer
Multidisziplinärer Datenfluss im Entwicklungsprozess des Flugzeugbaus am Beispiel eines Senkrechtstarters
Johannes K. Dürr
Integration von Piezokeramikaktoren in Faserverbund- strukturen – Fertigung – Festigkeit - Modellierung
Thomas Keilig
Ermittlung des Umformverhaltens von Gewebeprepegs in Abhängigkeit von Verstärkungstyp und Matrixsystem mit Hilfe eines geeigneten rheologischen Materialmodells
Michael Dugas
Ein Beitrag zur Auslegung von Faserverbundtragflügeln im Vorentwurf
Zeitschriften und Bücher
- Carosella, S., Hügle, S., Helber, F., & Middendorf, P. (2024). A short review on recent advances in automated fiber placement and filament winding technologies. Composites Part B: Engineering, 287, 111843.
- Gräfe, M., Pettas, V., Dimitrov, N., & Cheng, P. W. (2024). Machine-learning-based virtual load sensors for mooring lines using simulated motion and lidar measurements. Wind Energy Science, 9(11), Article 11.
- Albrecht, A., Siegel, J., & Strohmayer, A. (2024). A simplified automated approach for a preliminary safety assessment of distributed electric and hybrid propulsion systems. CEAS Aeronautical Journal.
- Hall, M., Lozon, E., Devoy McAuliffe, F., Baudino Bessone, M., Bayati, I., Bowie, M., Bozonnet, P., Castagné, M., Feng, J., Housner, S., Janocha, M., Jiang, Z., Kim, Y., Ko, D., Kölle, K., Lee, C., Lekkala, M. R., Liang, G., Mahfouz, M., … Wright, C. (2024). The IEA Wind Task 49 Reference Floating Wind Array Design Basis.
- Schulz, C. W., Netzband, S., Özinan, U., Cheng, P. W., & Abdel-Maksoud, M. (2024). Wind turbine rotors in surge motion: new insights into unsteady aerodynamics of floating offshore wind turbines (FOWTs) from experiments and simulations. Wind Energy Science, 9(3), Article 3.
- Pettas, V., & Cheng, P. W. (2024). Surrogate Modeling and Aeroelastic Analysis of a Wind Turbine with Down-Regulation, Power Boosting, and IBC Capabilities. Energies, 17(6), Article 6.
- Mahfouz, M. Y., Lozon, E., Hall, M., & Cheng, P. W. (2024). Dynamic performance of a passively self-adjusting floating wind farm layout to increase the annual energy production. Wind Energy Science, 9(7), Article 7.
- Kannenberg, F., Zechmeister, C., Gil Pérez, M., Guo, Y., Yang, X., Forster, D., Hügle, S., Mindermann, P., Abdelaal, M., Balangé, L., Schwieger, V., Weiskopf, D., Gresser, G. T., Middendorf, P., Bischoff, M., Knippers, J., & Menges, A. (2024). Toward reciprocal feedback between computational design, engineering, and fabrication to co-design coreless filament-wound structures. Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, 11(3), Article 3.
- Lüdecke, F. D., Schmid, M., & Cheng, P. W. (2024). Identification of electro-mechanical interactions in wind turbines. Wind Energy Science, 9(7), Article 7.
- Facciotto, S., Simacek, P., Advani, S. G., Pickett, A., & Middendorf, P. (2023). Modeling formation and evolution of voids in unsaturated dual scale preforms in Resin Transfer Molding processes. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 173, 107675.
- Yu, W., Lemmer, F., & Cheng, P. W. (2023). Modeling and validation of a tuned liquid multi-column damper stabilized floating offshore wind turbine coupled system. Ocean Engineering, 280, 114442.
- Gil Pérez, M., Mindermann, P., Zechmeister, C., Forster, D., Guo, Y., Hügle, S., Kannenberg, F., Balangé, L., Schwieger, V., Middendorf, P., Bischoff, M., Menges, A., Gresser, G. T., & Knippers, J. (2023). Data processing, analysis, and evaluation methods for co-design of coreless filament-wound building systems. Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, 10(4), Article 4.
- Heudorfer, K., Bauer, J., Caydamli, Y., Gompf, B., Take, J., Buchmeiser, M. R., & Middendorf, P. (2023). Method of Manufacturing Structural, Optically Transparent Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymers (tGFRP) Using Infusion Techniques with Epoxy Resin Systems and E-Glass Fabrics. Polymers, 15(9), Article 9.
- Ackermann, A. C., Demleitner, M., Guhathakurta, J., Carosella, S., Ruckdäschel, H., Simon, S., Fox, B. L., & Middendorf, P. (2023). Mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties of amine-- and non--functionalized reduced graphene oxide/epoxy carbon fiber--reinforced polymers. Polymer Composites, 44(8), Article 8.
- Albrecht, A., Bender, A., Strathoff, P., Zumegen, C., Stumpf, E., & Strohmayer, A. (2023). Influence of Electric Wing Tip Propulsion on the Sizing of the Vertical Stabilizer and Rudder in Preliminary Aircraft Design. Aerospace, 10(5), Article 5.
- Helber, F., Carosella, S., & Middendorf, P. (2023). Effects of reactive and non-reactive tackifying agents on mechanical neat resin and composite performance for preforming processes and Liquid Resin Infusion (LRI) techniques. Advanced Manufacturing: Polymer & Composites Science, 9(1), Article 1.
- Mahfouz, M. Y., & Cheng, P.-W. (2023). A passively self--adjusting floating wind farm layout to increase the annual energy production. Wind Energy, 26(3), Article 3.
- Böhringer, P., Sommer, D., Haase, T., Barteczko, M., Sprave, J., Stoll, M., Karadogan, C., Koch, D., Middendorf, P., & Liewald, M. (2023). A strategy to train machine learning material models for finite element simulations on data acquirable from physical experiments. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 406, 115894.
- Gaßner, L., Blumendeller, E., Müller, F. J. Y., Wigger, M., Rettenmeier, A., Cheng, P. W., Hübner, G., Ritter, J., & Pohl, J. (2022). Joint analysis of resident complaints, meteorological, acoustic, and ground motion data to establish a robust annoyance evaluation of wind turbine emissions. Renewable Energy, 188(1), Article 1.
- Kölle, K., Göcmen, T., Eguinoa, I., Alcayaga Román, L. A., Aparicio-Sanchez, M., Feng, J., Meyers, J., Pettas, V., & Sood, I. (2022). FarmConners market showcase results: wind farm flow control considering electricity prices. Wind Energy Science, 7(6), Article 6.
- Czichos, R., Bergmann, T., Moldering, F., & Middendorf, P. (2022). Comparison of numerical modelling approaches for the residual burst pressure of thick type IV composite overwrapped pressure vessels related to low-velocity impact. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 199, 104770.
- Yu, W., Lemmer, F., Lehmann, K., Cheng, P. W., de Guzmán, S., Moreu, J., & Battistella, T. (2022, Oktober). Model Test and Validation of the Crown Floating Offshore Wind Turbine. Volume 8: Ocean Renewable Energy.
- Hügle, S., Genc, E., Dittmann, J., & Middendorf, P. (2022). Offline Robot-Path-Planning and Process Simulation for the Structural Analysis of Coreless Wound Fibre-Polymer Composite Structures. Key Engineering Materials, 926, 1445--1453.
- Hügle, S., Genc, E., Dittmann, J., & Middendorf, P. (2022). Offline Robot-Path-Planning and Process Simulation for the Structural Analysis of Coreless Wound Fibre-Polymer Composite Structures. Key Engineering Materials, 926, 1445--1453.
- Helber, F., Carosella, S., & Middendorf, P. (2022). Quantitative Assessment of Reactive and Non-Reactive Binder Systems on First Ply Adhesion for Dry Fiber Placement Processes. Key Engineering Materials, 926, 1317--1326.
- Bischoff, O., Wolken-Möhlmann, G., & Cheng, P. W. (2022). An approach and discussion of a simulation based measurement uncertainty estimation for a floating lidar system. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2265(2), Article 2.
- Chen, Y., Yu, W., Guo, F., & Cheng, P. W. (2022). Adaptive measuring trajectory for scanning lidars: proof of concept. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2265(2), Article 2.
- Kölle, K., Göcmen, T., Garcia-Rosa, P. B., Petrović, V., Eguinoa, I., Vrana, T. K., Long, Q., Pettas, V., Anand, A., Barlas, T. K., Cutululis, N., Manjock, A., Tande, J. O., Ruisi, R., & Bossanyi, E. (2022). Towards integrated wind farm control: Interfacing farm flow and power plant controls. Advanced Control for Applications, 4(2), Article 2.
- Blumendeller, E., Hofsäß, M., Goerlitz, A., & Cheng, P. W. (2022). Impact of wind turbine operation conditions on infrasonic and low frequency sound induced by on-shore wind turbines. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2265(3), Article 3.
- Ackermann, A. C., Fischer, M., Wick, A., Carosella, S., Fox, B. L., & Middendorf, P. (2022). Mechanical, Thermal and Electrical Properties of Epoxy Nanocomposites with Amine-Functionalized Reduced Graphene Oxide via Plasma Treatment. Journal of Composites Science, 6(6), Article 6.
- Sommer, D., Haufe, A., & Middendorf, P. (2022). A Machine Learning Material Model for Structural Adhesives in Finite Element Analysis. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 103160.
- Schwingel, J., & Middendorf, P. (2022). Topological design using multivariate laminate stackings for tailored fiber placement. Journal of Composite Materials.
- Mangold, J., Silberhorn, D., Moebs, N., Dzikus, N., Hoelzen, J., Zill, T., & Strohmayer, A. (2022). Refueling of LH2 Aircraft---Assessment of Turnaround Procedures and Aircraft Design Implication. Energies, 15(7), Article 7.
- Pérez, M. G., Zechmeister, C., Kannenberg, F., Mindermann, P., Balangé, L., Guo, Y., Hügle, S., Gienger, A., Forster, D., Bischoff, M., Tarín, C., Middendorf, P., Schwieger, V., Gresser, G. T., Menges, A., & Knippers, J. (2022). Computational co-design framework for coreless wound fibre–polymer composite structures. Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, 9(2), Article 2.
- Lüdecke, F. D., Schmid, M., Rehe, E., Panneer Selvam, S., Parspour, N., & Cheng, P. W. (2022). Numerical Aspects of a Two-Way Coupling for Electro-Mechanical Interactions --- A Wind Energy Perspective. Energies, 15(3), Article 3.
- Pérez, M. G., Zechmeister, C., Kannenberg, F., Mindermann, P., Balangé, L., Guo, Y., Hügle, S., Gienger, A., Forster, D., Bischoff, M., Tarín, C., Middendorf, P., Schwieger, V., Gresser, G. T., Menges, A., & Knippers, J. (2022). Computational co-design framework for coreless wound fibre–polymer composite structures. Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, 9(2), Article 2.
- Moebs, N., Eisenhut, D., Windels, E., van der Pols, J., & Strohmayer, A. (2022). Adaptive Initial Sizing Method and Safety Assessment for Hybrid-Electric Regional Aircraft. Aerospace, 9(3), Article 3.
- Chen, Y., Guo, F., Schlipf, D., & Cheng, P. W. (2022). Four-dimensional wind field generation for the aeroelastic simulation of wind turbines with lidars. Wind Energy Science, 7(2), Article 2.
- Lay, J., Bender, A., & Strohmayer, A. (2022). Layout and testing of a serial hybrid electric powertrain for a light twin demonstrator platform. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1226(1), Article 1.
- Baranowski, M., Netzer, M., Gönnheimer, P., Coutandin, S., Fleischer, J., Schlotthauer, T., & Middendorf, P. (2022). Functional Integration of Subcomponents for Hybridization of Fused Filament Fabrication. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, 319--325.
- Neumaier, M., Kranemann, S., Kazmeier, B., & Rudolph, S. (2022). Fully automated piping in an Airbus A320 landing gear bay using graph-based design languages. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1226(1), Article 1.
- Pan, Q., & Cheng, P. W. (2022). Cost-based mooring designs and a parametric study of bridles for a 15 MW spar-type floating offshore wind turbine. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2265(4), Article 4.
- Schlotthauer, T., & Middendorf, P. (2021). Hollow stereolithographic structures reinforced by short carbon fibres. In JEC Composite Magazine (Bd. 143, S. 21--24).
- Pettas, V., Kretschmer, M., Clifton, A., & Cheng, P. W. (2021). On the effects of inter-farm interactions at the offshore wind farm Alpha Ventus. Wind Energy Science, 6(6), Article 6.
- Grisin, B., Carosella, S., & Middendorf, P. (2021). Dry Fibre Placement: The Influence of Process Parameters on Mechanical Laminate Properties and Infusion Behaviour. Polymers, 13(21), Article 21.
- Pfeifle, O., Notter, S., Fichter, W., Paul Bergmann, D., Denzel, J., & Strohmayer, A. (2021). Verifying the Effect of Wingtip Propellers on Drag Through In-Flight Measurements. Journal of Aircraft, 37(3), Article 3.
- Caydamli, Y., Heudorfer, K., Take, J., Podjaski, F., Middendorf, P., & Buchmeiser, M. R. (2021). Transparent Fiber-Reinforced Composites Based on a Thermoset Resin Using Liquid Composite Molding (LCM) Techniques. Materials (Basel, Switzerland), 14(20), Article 20.
- Ackermann, A. C., Carosella, S., Rettenmayr, M., Fox, B. L., & Middendorf, P. (2021). Rheology, dispersion, and cure kinetics of epoxy filled with amine-- and non--functionalized reduced graphene oxide for composite manufacturing. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 139(8), Article 8.
- Lux, B., Fial, J., Schmidt, O., Carosella, S., Middendorf, P., & Fox, B. (2021). Development of a shear forming envelope for carbon fibre non-crimp fabrics. Journal of Industrial Textiles.
- Berking, T., Lorenz, S. G., Ulrich, A. B., Greiner, J., Kervio, E., Bremer, J., Wege, C., Kleinow, T., & Richert, C. (2021). The Effect of Pooling on the Detection of the Nucleocapsid Protein of SARS-CoV-2 with Rapid Antigen Tests. Diagnostics, 11(7), Article 7.
- Bischoff, O., Wolken-Möhlmann, G., & Cheng, P. W. (2021). Presentation and validation of a simulation environment for floating lidar systems. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018(1), Article 1.
- Facciotto, S., Simacek, P., Advani, S. G., & Middendorf, P. (2021). Modeling of anisotropic dual scale flow in RTM using the finite elements method. Composites Part B: Engineering, 214, 108735.
- Mahfouz, M. Y., Molins, C., Trubat, P., Hernández, S., Vigara, F., Pegalajar-Jurado, A., Bredmose, H., & Salari, M. (2021). Response of the International Energy Agency (IEA) Wind 15 MW WindCrete and Activefloat floating wind turbines to wind and second-order waves. Wind Energy Science, 6(3), Article 3.
- Conti, D., Pettas, V., Dimitrov, N., & Peña, A. (2021). Wind turbine load validation in wakes using wind field reconstruction techniques and nacelle lidar wind retrievals. Wind Energy Science, 6(3), Article 3.
- Lemmer, F., Yu, W., Steinacker, H., Skandali, D., & Raach, S. (2021). Advances on reduced-order modeling of floating offshore wind turbines. Proceedings of the ASME 40th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering.
- Urban, F., Armbruster, B., & Middendorf, P. (2021). Development and validation of a method for linear-viscoelastic characterization of the dynamic complex modulus of short-fiber reinforced plastics using flexural resonances. Polymer Testing, 94, 107055.
- Schlotthauer, T., Nitsche, J., & Middendorf, P. (2021). Evaluation of UV post-curing depth for homogenous cross-linking of stereolithography parts. Rapid Prototyping Journal, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), Article ahead-of-print.
- Chen, Y., Schlipf, D., & Cheng, P. W. (2021). Parameterization of wind evolution using lidar. Wind Energy Science, 6(1), Article 1.
- Eisenhut, D., Moebs, N., Windels, E., Bergmann, D., Geiß, I., Reis, R., & Strohmayer, A. (2021). Aircraft Requirements for Sustainable Regional Aviation. Aerospace, 8(3), Article 3.
- Zhou, S., Müller, K., Li, C., Xiao, Y., & Cheng, P. W. (2021). Global sensitivity study on the semisubmersible substructure of a floating wind turbine: Manufacturing cost, structural properties and hydrodynamics. Ocean Engineering, 221(2), Article 2.
- Schlotthauer, T., Nolan, D., & Middendorf, P. (2021). Influence of short carbon and glass fibers on the curing behavior and accuracy of photopolymers used in stereolithography. Additive Manufacturing, 42, 102005.
- Pan, Q., Mahfouz, M. Y., & Lemmer, F. (2021). Assessment of mooring configurations for the IEA 15MW floating offshore wind turbine. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018(1), Article 1.
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- Schlipf, D., Haizmann, F., Cosack, N., Siebers, T., & Cheng, P. W. (2015). Detection of Wind Evolution and Lidar Trajectory Optimization for Lidar-Assisted Wind Turbine Control. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 24(6), Article 6.
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- Sturm, R., Schatrow, P., & Klett, Y. (2015). Multiscale Modeling Methods for Analysis of Failure Modes in Foldcore Sandwich Panels. Applied Composite Materials, 22(6), Article 6.
- Schlipf, D., Fleming, P., Haizmann, F., Scholbrock, A., Hofsäß, M., Wright, A., & Cheng, P. W. (2014). Field Testing of Feedforward Collective Pitch Control on the CART2 Using a Nacelle-Based Lidar Scanner. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 555, 12090.
- Raach, S., Schlipf, D., Haizmann, F., & Cheng, P. W. (2014). Three Dimensional Dynamic Model Based Wind Field Reconstruction from Lidar Data. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 524, 12005.
- Rettenmeier, A., Schlipf, D., Würth, I., & Cheng, P. W. (2014). Power Performance Measurements of the NREL CART-2 Wind Turbine Using a Nacelle-Based Lidar Scanner. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 31(10), Article 10.
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- Sturm, R., Klett, Y., Kindervater, Ch., & Voggenreiter, H. (2014). Failure of CFRP airframe sandwich panels under crash-relevant loading conditions. Composite Structures, 112, 11--21.
- Gnädinger, F., Karcher, M., Henning, F., & Middendorf, P. (2014). Holistic and Consistent Design Process for Hollow Structures Based on Braided Textiles and RTM. Applied Composite Materials, 21(3), Article 3.
- Voit-Nitschmann, R., & Keilig, T. (2014). Q3:~Luftfahrzeuge. In H. Dubbel, J. Feldhusen, & K.-H. Grote (Hrsg.), Dubbel (S. 69--103). Springer.
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- Weber, M. J., & Middendorf, P. (2014). Semi-analytical skin buckling of curved orthotropic grid-stiffened shells. Composite Structures, 108, 616--624.
- Arnold, M., Biskup, F., & Cheng, P. W. (2014). Simulation of Fluid-Structure-Interaction on Tidal Current Turbines based on coupled Multibody and CFD Methods. Journal of Ocean and Wind Energy (JOWE), 1(2), Article 2.
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- Klett, Y., & Szcesny, M. (2014). All terrain -- all composite: Silberform expedition vehicle superstructure. JEC composites magazine, 91, Article 91.
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- Härtel, F., Böhler, P., & Middendorf, P. (2014). An Integral Mesoscopic Material Characterization Approach. Key Engineering Materials, 611–612, 280--291.
- Priess, T., Sause, M., Fischer, D., & Middendorf, P. (2014). Detection of delamination onset in laser-cut carbon fiber transverse crack tension specimens using acoustic emission. Journal of Composite Materials, 49.
- Böhler, P., Härtel, F., & Middendorf, P. (2013). Identification of Forming Limits for Unidirectional Carbon Textiles in Reality and Mesoscopic Simulation. Key Engineering Materials, 554–557, 423--432.
- Schuler, S., Schlipf, D., Cheng, P. W., & Allgower, F. (2013). Optimal Control of Large Wind Turbines. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 21(4), Article 4.
- Sirtautas, J., Pickett, A., & Lépicier, P. (2013). A mesoscopic model for coupled drape-infusion simulation of biaxial Non-Crimp Fabric. Composites Part B: Engineering, 47, 48--57.
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- Schlipf, D., & Cheng, P. W. (2013). Adaptive Vorsteuerung für Windenergieanlagen. at - Automatisierungstechnik, 61(5), Article 5.
- Schlipf, D., Cheng, P. W., & Mann, J. (2013). Model of the Correlation between Lidar Systems and Wind Turbines for Lidar-Assisted Control. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 30(10), Article 10.
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Tagungs- und Konferenzbeiträge
- Coughlan, K., Mahfouz, M. Y., Lozon, E., & Arwade, S. (2024). Assessing the impacts of wakes on floating wind farms with shared anchors. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2767(6), Article 6.
- Bischoff, O., Hofsäß, M., Clement, D., Schmitt, C., & Cheng, P. W. (2024). Lidar error in complex terrain - case study based on two measurement campaigns. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2767(4), Article 4.
- Hall, M., Biglu, M., Housner, S., Coughlan, K., Mahfouz, M. Y., & Lozon, E. (2024). Floating Wind Farm Layout Optimization Considering Moorings and Seabed Variations. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2767(6), Article 6.
- Mahfouz, M. Y., Lozon, E., Hall, M., & Cheng, P. W. (2024). Integrated floating wind farm layout design and mooring system optimization to increase annual energy production. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2767(6), Article 6.
- Lozon, E., Hall, M., & Mahfouz, M. Y. (2024). Coupled modeling of wake steering and platform offsets for floating wind arrays. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2767(6), Article 6.
- Özinan, U., Gräfe, M., Schulz, C. W., & Cheng, P. W. (2024). Near-wake measurements and simulations of a floating wind turbine using a four-beam nacelle-based lidar. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2767(9), Article 9.
- Guo, F., Schlipf, D., Lemmer, F., Raach, S., Özinan, U., Adam, R., & Choisnet, T. (2023). The performance of two control strategies for floating wind turbines: lidar-assisted feedforward and multi-variable feedback. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2626(1), Article 1.
- Netzband, S., Schulz, C. W., Özinan, U., Adam, R., Choisnet, T., Cheng, P. W., & Abdel-Maksoud, M. (2023). Validation of a panel method with full-scale FOWT measurements and verification with engineering models. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2626(1), Article 1.
- Gräfe, M., Özinan, U., & Cheng, P. W. (2023). Lidar-based virtual load sensors for mooring lines using artificial neural networks. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2626(1), Article 1.
- Pan, Q., Guo, F., & Lüdecke, F. D. (2023). Nonlinear modelling of shared mooring concepts for floating offshore wind turbines. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2626(1), Article 1.
- Schulz, C. W., Özinan, U., Netzband, S., Cheng, P. W., & Abdel-Maksoud, M. (2023). The Impact of Unsteadiness on the Aerodynamic Loads of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2626(1), Article 1.
- Krischler, R., Blandl, M., Kliewe, M., Carosella, S., & Middendorf, P. (2023). Comparison of Different Material Systems for Filament Winding Based on the Split-Disk Experiment and Setup of a Digital Twin. In J. Rieser, F. Endress, A. Horoschenkoff, P. Höfer, T. Dickhut, & M. Zimmermann (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the Munich Symposium on Lightweight Design 2022 (S. 40--50). Springer International Publishing and Imprint Springer Vieweg.
- Reyes Barbosa, F., Feltrin Teza, H., Odaguil, F., Gandolfi, R., Eisenhut, D., Brenner, F., Mangold, J., Moebs, N., & Bento, D. (2023). Integration of a Thermal Management System in a Hybrid Electric Aircraft - FUTPRINT50. In A. C. Marta & A. Suleman (Hrsg.), AeroBest 2023 - II ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Aerospace Systems (S. 439--451). IDMEC Instituto Superior Técnico Universidade de Lisboa.
- Brenner, F., Mangold, J., Eisenhut, D., & Strohmayer, A. (2023). Environmental and Economic Assessment of Alternative Fuels and Power Trains on Aircraft Level. Proceedings of the Aerospace Europe Conference - EUCASS - CEAS - 2023.
- Helber, F., Carosella, S., & Middendorf, P. (2023, Juli). Automated preforming with a smart mould approach for efficient liquid resin infusion in aerospace applications. Proceedings of the Twenty-third international conference on composite materials (ICCM 23).
- Mangold, J., Eisenhut, D., Brenner, F., Moebs, N., & Strohmayer, A. (2023). Preliminary hybrid-electric aircraft design with advancements on the open-source tool SUAVE. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2526(1), Article 1.
- Brenner, F., Mangold, J., Eisenhut, D., Moebs, N., & Strohmayer, A. (2023). Deriving a year 2040 reference aircraft from a modern turboprop, implemented and calibrated in SUAVE. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2526(1), Article 1.
- Eisenhut, D., Mangold, J., Moebs, N., Brenner, F., & Strohmayer, A. (2023). Case study on hybrid-electric aircraft designs enabled by an enhanced SUAVE version. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2526(1), Article 1.
- Moebs, N., Reis, R., Windels, E., Ertman, K., van Woensel, C., Kipouros, T., Westin, M., & Strohmayer, A. (2023). Development of the initial certification and technology roadmap for the FUTPRINT50 framework. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2526(1), Article 1.
- Eissele, J., Lafer, S., Mejía-Burbano, C., Schließus, J., Wiedmann, T., Rotundo, C., Beyne, E., Hildebrandt, K., Peng, Y., Alessio, C., Moebs, N., Eisenhut, D., & Strohmayer, A. (2023). FUTPRINT50 Academy -- Aircraft Design Challenge 2022: Development of a hybrid-electric regional aircraft. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2526(1), Article 1.
- Hofsäß, M., Bischoff, O., Callies, D., Clement, D., Klaas-Witt, T., Schmitt, C., & Cheng, P. W. (2023). Statistical comparison of the lidar measurement error of different wind lidar profilers in complex terrain. Zenodo.
- Bauer, J., Heudorfer, K., Caydamli, Y., Gompf, B., Buchmeiser, M. R., & Middendorf, P. (2023). A Method to Manufacture Transparent Composites by Optimizing Refractive Index Match of Fiber and Polymer. In C. Bonten & M. Kreutzbruck (Hrsg.), 28. Stuttgarter Kunststoffkolloquium. IKT Universität Stuttgart.
- Mahfouz, M. Y., & Cheng, P. W. (2023). A passively self-adjusting floating wind farm layout to increase the energy production: a sensitivity analysis. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2626(1), Article 1.
- Ackermann, A. C., Fischer, M., Wick, A., Carosella, S., Fox, B. L., & Middendorf, P. (2022). Investigation of the Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Composite Materials with Amine-Functionalized Reduced Graphene Oxide Inclusions. In Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Composite Materials - Composites Meet Sustainability (Vol 1-6).
- Czichos, R., Miene, A., Ahlborn, H., Thal, D., Greiner, J., Middendorf, P., & Herrmann, A. (2022). Mesoscopic modeling of braided structures by means of laser triangulation measurement and mesh superposition technique. In Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Textile Composites (TexComp 14). 14th International Conference on Textile Composites (TexComp 14), Kyoto, Japan.
- Czichos, R., Middendorf, P., & Bergmann, T. (2022). Numerical modelling of the residual burst pressure of thick composite pressure vessels after low-velocity impact loading. In A. Zingoni (Hrsg.), Current Perspectives and New Directions in Mechanics, Modelling and Design of Structural Systems (S. 157--158). CRC Press.
- Mangold, J., Brenner, F., Moebs, N., & Strohmayer, A. (2022). Aircraft Design Implications of Alternative Fuels for Future Hybrid-Electric Regional Aircraft Configurations. Proceedings of the 9th European Conference for Aerospace Sciences. Lille, France, 27 June - 1 July, 2022.
- Liebl, M., Engelfried, M., Carosella, S., & Middendorf, P. (2022). Determination of the Bending Stiffness of Spread Carbon Fibre Tows Applied with Reactive Binder. In J. Rieser, F. Endress, A. Horoschenkoff, P. Höfer, T. Dickhut, & M. Zimmermann (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the Munich Symposium on Lightweight Design 2021 (S. 59--67). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Mesarosch, F., Schlotthauer, T., Springmann, M., Schneider, J., & Middendorf, P. (2022). Topology Optimization and Production of a UAV Engine Mount Using Various Additive Manufacturing Processes. In J. Rieser, F. Endress, A. Horoschenkoff, P. Höfer, T. Dickhut, & M. Zimmermann (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the Munich Symposium on Lightweight Design 2021 (S. 124--135). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Sensitivity Analysis of Mooring Tension Fatigue for a 15 MW Spar-Type Floating Offshore Wind Turbine. (2022). In Q. Pan & P. W. Cheng (Hrsg.), International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference: Bd. All Days.
- Youssef Mahfouz, M., Hall, M., & Cheng, P. W. (2022). A parametric study of the mooring system design parameters to reduce wake losses in a floating wind farm. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2265(4), Article 4.
- Helber, F., Carosella, S., & Middendorf, P. (2022, April). Quantitative Assessment of Reactive and Non-Reactive Binder Systems on First Ply Adhesion for Dry Fiber Placement Processes. 25th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming.
- Hofsäß, M., Bischoff, O., Callies, D., Jäger, F., Klaas-Witt, T., & Cheng, P.-W. (2022, April). Development of an open source framework for lidar data correction in complex terrain.
- Blumendeller, E., Gaßner, L., Müller, F., Wigger, M., Berlinger, P., & Cheng, P. W. (2022). Messungen im Bereich eines Windparks mit Fokus auf tief- und niederfrequente Schallemissionen und -immissionen. In DAGA - Jahrestagung für Akustik (Bd. 48).
- Wolken-Möhlmann, G., Bischoff, O., & Gottschall, J. (2022). Analysis of wind speed deviations between floating lidars, fixed lidar and cup anemometry based on experimental data. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2362(1), Article 1.
- Gräfe, M., Pettas, V., & Cheng, P. W. (2022). Wind field reconstruction using nacelle based lidar measurements for floating wind turbines. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2265(4), Article 4.
- Özinan, U., Liu, D., Adam, R., Choisnet, T., & Cheng, P. W. (2022). Power curve measurement of a floating offshore wind turbine with a nacelle-based lidar. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2265(4), Article 4.
- Wolf, M., Kaiser, B., Hügle, S., Verl, A., & Middendorf, P. (2022). Data Model for Adaptive Robotic Construction in Architecture. Procedia CIRP, 107, 1035–1040.
- Wolf, M., Kaiser, B., Hügle, S., Verl, A., & Middendorf, P. (2022). Data Model for Adaptive Robotic Construction in Architecture. Procedia CIRP, 107, 1035–1040.
- Facciotto, S., Pickett, A., Middendorf, P., Simacek, P., & Advani, S. G. (2021, Oktober). Numerical and Experimental Study of Dual Scale Flow in RTM with Anisotropic Tow Saturation. NAFEMS World Congress.
- Sommer, D., Vinod Kumar Mitruka, Tarun Kumar Mitruka, & Middendorf, P. (2021). Automation of LS-DYNA’s Material Model Driver for Generation of Training Data for Machine Learning based Material Models. In 13th European LS-DYNA Conference 2021.
- Springmann, M., Mirzaei, S., & Middendorf, P. (2021, Oktober). Printing Path Based Modeling of FFF Meso-structures for Finite Element Analysis. NAFEMS World Congress.
- Raichle, A., Damm, A., & Middendorf, P. (2021, Oktober). Data Requirements for Detecting Collision Positions on Fiber Composite Plates Using Artificial Intelligence. NAFEMS World Congress.
- Schlotthauer, T., Geitner, A., Seifarth, C., Schendel, O., Lück, T., Kaindl, R., Kopp, D., Spalt, S., Walter, P., Nolan, D., & Middendorf, P. (2021, September). Reinforcement of stereolithographic manufactured structures by the subsequent infusion of short carbon fibers. SAMPE Europe Conference.
- Liebl, M., Engelfried, M., Carosella, S., & Middendorf, P. (2021, September). Investigation of the friction behaviour of spread carbon fibre tows with reactive binder. SAMPE Europe Conference.
- Kaindl, R., Kopp, D., Spalt, S., Schlotthauer, T., Seifarth, C., Schendel, O., Lück, T., Walter, P., Nolan, D., Lackner, J., & Waldhauser, W. (2021, September). Friction- and wear-reducing atmospheric pressure plasma molybdenum disulfide -- graphite coatings on fibre-reinforced composites manufactured by stereolithography. EUROMAT.
- Thissen, S., & Middendorf, P. (2021). Numerical analysis of imperfections in Miura Ori sandwich cores using isogeometric analysis. In Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium; 7th International Conference on Spatial Structures.
- Pfeifle, O., Frangenberg, M., Notter, S., Denzel, J., Bergmann, D., Schneider, J., Scholz, W., Fichter, W., & Strohmayer, A. (2021, Juli). Distributed Electric Propulsion for Yaw Control: Testbeds, Control Approach, and Flight Testing.
- Heieck, F., Muhs, F., Springmann, M., Unger, N., & Weißgraeber, P. (2021). Advancing from Additive Manufacturing to Large-Scale Production of Face Shields During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Advances in Automotive Production Technology -- Theory and Application, 110, 394--404.
- Springmann, M., Schlotthauer, T., Peter, A., Altmann, H., Musso, J., & Middendorf, P. (2021, März). Identifikation geeigneter Photopolymerezur Verarbeitung in Zwei-Photonen-SLA-Verfahren. 27. Stuttgarter Kunststoffkolloquium.
- Czichos, R., Bernhardt, Y., Dittmann, J., Middendorf, P., & Kreutzbruck, M. (2021, März). Modellierung von Mikroschäden in glasfaserverstärkten Kunststoffen. Beiträge zum 27. Stuttgart Kunststoffkolloquium.
- Baranowski, M., Schlotthauer, T., Netzer, M., Gönnheimer, P., Coutandin, S., Fleischer, J., & Middendorf, P. (2021, März). Hybridization of Fused Filament Fabrication Components by Stereolithographic Manufactured Thermoset Inserts. ICMEP 2021 - The 10th International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering and Processes.
- T. Schlotthauer, S. R. Raisch, A. Dorneich, T. Heckner, T. Mohr, & P. Middendorf. (2021, März). Teilindividualisierte und nachverfolgbare Spritzgussbauteile durch In-situ-Anbindung additiv hergestellter Subkomponenten. 27. Stuttgarter Kunststoffkolloquium.
- Czichos, R., Miene, A., Ahlborn, H., Thal, D., Greiner, J., Middendorf, P., & Herrmann, A. (2021). Realistic mesoscopic modelling of braided fibre composite structures using laser triangulation. Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference (ADDITC), Stuttgart, Germany.
- Lemmer, F., Yu, W., Steinacker, H., Skandali, D., & Raach, S. (2021). Advances on reduced-order modeling of floating offshore wind turbines. Proceedings of the ASME 40th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering.
- Trubat, P., Molins, C., Alarcon, D., Arramounet, V., & Mahfouz, M. Y. (2021). Mooring Fatigue Verification of the WindCrete for a 15 MW Wind Turbine. ASME 2021 3rd International Offshore Wind Technical Conference.
- Moebs, N., Eisenhut, D., Bergmann, D., & Strohmayer, A. (2021). Selecting figures of merit for a hybrid-electric 50-seat regional aircraft. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1024, 012071.
- Mahfouz, M. Y., Roser, T., & Cheng, P. W. (2021). Verification of SIMPACK-MoorDyn coupling using 15 MW IEA-Wind reference models Activefloat and WindCrete. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018(1), Article 1.
- Eisenhut, D., Windels, E., Reis, R., Bergmann, D., Ilário, C., Palazzo, F., & Strohmayer, A. (2021). Foundations towards the future: FutPrInt50 TLARs an open approach. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1024(1), Article 1.
- Fial, J., Carosella, S., & Middendorf, P. (2020, Oktober). Enhancing textile forming using textile-applied strain sensors and segmented blank holder systems. SCAP 2020 - Stuttgart Conference on the Automotive Production.
- Dittmann, J., Vinot, M., Middendorf, P., & Toso, N. (2020, Oktober). Simulation supported manufacturing of profiled composite parts with the braiding technique. SCAP 2020 - Stuttgart Conference on the Automotive Production.
- Helber, F., Carosella, S., & Middendorf, P. (2020, Oktober). Multi-robotic composite production of complex and large-scaled components for the automotive industry. SCAP 2020 - Stuttgart Conference on the Automotive Production.
- Facciotto, S., Sommer, D., Haufe, A., Helbig, M., & Middendorf, P. (2020, Oktober). Modelling Defects of Unhardened Adhesives Resulting from Handling and Warpage: Viscous Fingering. SCAP 2020 - Stuttgart Conference on the Automotive Production.
- Endrass, M., Thissen, S., Jarka, S., Octeau M.-A., Palardy-Sim M., Barroeta Robles, J., Larsen, L., Yousefpour, A., & Kupke, M. (2020, Oktober). Towards Continous Resistance Welding for Full-Scale Aerospace Components. SAMPE Europe.
- Schlotthauer, T. (2020, Oktober). Stereolithografie-Materialien, Prozesse und Plasma-Nachbehandlungsverfahren für dauerbeständige Automobilanwendungen. Technologiegespräch Materialinnovationen für die additive Fertigung.
- Schopper, D., Tonhäuser Claudia, & Rudolph, S. (2020, Oktober). A User-friendly Assembly Planning Tool for Assembly Sequence Optimization. SCAP 2020 - Stuttgart Conference on the Automotive Production.
- Nitsche, J., Schlotthauer, T., Hermann, F., & Middendorf, P. (2020, Oktober). Experimental and theoretical study on depth of cure during UV post-curing of photopolymers used for additive manufacturing. SCAP 2020 - Stuttgart Conference on the Automotive Production.
- Fial, J., Carosella, S., & Middendorf, P. (2020, September). Forming Characterization of Non-Crimp Fabrics using Textile-applied printed Strain Sensors. SAMPE 2020.
- Denzel, J., Bergmann, D., & Strohmayer, A. (2020, September). Identification of the flight performance of the e-Genius-mod. 9th EASN International Conference.
- Albrecht, F., Poppe, C., Fial, J., Henning, F., & Middendorf, P. (2020, September). Effect of process routing (direct vs. preformed) on part infiltration during Wet Compression Molding (WCM) of a complex demonstrator. SAMPE 2020.
- Geiß, I., & Strohmayer, A. (2020, September). Operational Energy and Power Reserves for Hybrid-Electric and Electric Aircraft. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress.
- Schneider, J., Frangenberg, M., Notter, S., Scholz, W., Fichter, W., & Strohmayer, A. (2020, September). Integration of propelled yaw control on wing tips. A practical approach to the Icaré solar powered glider. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress.
- Bergmann, D., Denzel, J., Pfeifle, O., Notter, S., & Strohmayer, A. (2020, September). In-Flight Thrust Measurement and Drag Estimation of an Unmanned Propeller Aircraft. 10th EASN Virtual International Conference on \grqqInnovation in Aviation & Space to the Satisfaction of the European Citizens\textquotedbl.
- Klett, Y., Middendorf, P., Muhs, F., & Tachi, T. (2020). Comparison of Soft Curved Crease Surrogate Hinges. In Volume 10: 44th Mechanisms.
- Klett, Y., Middendorf, P., Muhs, F., & Tomohiro, T. (2020, August). Comparison of soft curved crease surrogate hinges. Intl. Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference.
- Pettas, V., Costa García, F., Kretschmer, M., Rinker, J. M., Clifton, A., & Cheng, P. W. (2020, Juni). A numerical framework for constraining synthetic wind fields with lidar measurements for improved load simulations. AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum.
- Sommer, D., Schauwecker, F., & Middendorf, P. (2020, Juni). A Study on the Transfer of GISSMO Material Card Parameters from 2D- to 3D-Discretization. 16th International LS-DYNA Conference.
- Fial, J., Carosella, S., Ring, L., & Middendorf, P. (2020, Mai). Shear Characterization of Reinforcement Fabrics using printed Strain Sensors. ESAFORM2020.
- Strohmayer, A. (2020, Februar). New Challenges in Aircraft Design - from urban air mobility to zero emission air transport. 8. Fachkongress Composite Simulation.
- Strohmayer, A. (2020, Januar). Future Propulsion and Integration: towards a hybrid-electric 50-seat regional aircraft. Workshop EU-funded Aviation Research on Hybrid-Electric Aircraft.
- Lemmer, F., Azcona, J., Bredmose, H., Borisade, F., Campagnolo, F., Heilskov, N. F., Kaufer, D., Kim, Y., Klein, L., Koch, C., Lutz, T., Manjock, A., Manolas, D., Robertson, A., Jonkman, J., Wendt, F., Vittori, F., & Voutsinas, S. (2020). INNWIND.EU scaled experiments of the OC4-DeepCwind semi-submersible. DaRUS.
- Robertson, A. N., Gueydon, S., Bachynski, E., Wang, L., Jonkman, J., Alarcón, D., Amet, E., Beardsell, A., Bonnet, P., Boudet, B., Brun, C., Féron, M., Forbush, D., Galinos, C., Galvan, J., Gilbert, P., Gómez, J., Harnois, V., Haudin, F., … Wohlfahrt-Laymann, S. (2020). OC6 Phase I: Investigating the underprediction of low-frequency hydrodynamic loads and responses of a floating wind turbine. Proceedings of the Science of Making Torque from Wind Conference, 1618, 032033.
- Lemmer, F., Müller, K., & Yu, W. (2020). FAST model of the SWE-CPP semi-submersible floating wind turbine platform for the DTU 10MW reference wind turbine. University of Stuttgart.
- Lemmer, F., Raach, S., Schlipf, D., Faerron-Guzmán, R., & Cheng, P. W. (2020). FAST model of the SWE-TripleSpar floating wind turbine platform for the DTU 10MW reference wind turbine.
- Bischoff, O. (2019, Dezember). Sensitivity analysis of the measurement performance of floating lidar systems for different meteorological parameters. Wind Energy Science Conference 2019.
- Strohmayer, A. (2019, Dezember). Electric flight for a more sustainable aviation. european energy innovation Winter 2019, pp. 46-47.
- Facciotto, S., Pickett, A. K., & Middendorf, P. (2019, November). Effect of infusion parameters and defects of the reinforcement on the generation of porosity in fiber reinforced composites. ESI Forum Deutschland.
- Ackermann, A. C., Carosella, S., Middendorf, P., & Fox, B. (2019, November). Einfluss der Oberflächenfunktionalisierung von Graphenpartikeln auf die Eigenschaften und die Verarbeitung von Nanokompositen. Hybride Materialien - Nano goes Macro.
- Springmann, M. (2019, Oktober). Verbindung lastpfad-optimierter FVK Strukturen mit additiv gefertigten Elementen. AFBW AG Simulation.
- Strohmayer, A. (2019, Oktober). Elektrisches Fliegen: wann wird es zum Alltag? Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft? 8. Kaminabend Acentiss GmbH.
- Klett, Y., Middendorf, P., Muhs, F., Sobek, W., Weidner, S., & Haase, W. (2019, Oktober). Exploration of Compliant Hinges in Origami-based Structures. IASS Annual Symposium 2019 -- Structural Membranes 2019.
- Klett, Y., Middendorf, P., Muhs, F., Sobek, W., Weidner, & Haase, W. (2019, Oktober). Exploration of Compliant Hinges in Origami-based Structures. IASS Symposium 2019.
- Dittmann, J., Friedrichs, A., Nassen, S., Facciotto, S., & Middendorf, P. (2019, September). Transient Dual-Phase Void Prediction in Microscopic Yarn Models With Openfoam. ICCM22 - 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials.
- Czichos, R., Bareiro, O., Pickett, A. K., Middendorf, P., & Gries, T. (2019, September). Numerical Modelling of Biaxial Carbon Fiber Braids Considering Process Variabilities. ICCM22 - 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials.
- Strohmayer, A. (2019, September). ASTORIA - Unmanned Aerial Systems Targeted at Open Research & Innovation Actions in Europe. 9th EASN International Conference.
- Bergmann, D., Denzel, J., Pfeifle, O., Schollenberger, M., & Strohmayer, A. (2019, September). Wing Tip Propeller Technology Testing with UAS -- Concept of Pod and In-Flight Measurement System. 9th EASN International Conference.
- Helber, F., Szcesny, M., Carosella, S., & Middendorf, P. (2019, September). Tack and Binder Solubility Investigations on Reactive and Non-Reactive Binder Systems. SAMPE Europe Conference 2019.
- Dittmann, J., Friedrichs, A., Facciotto, S., & Middendorf, P. (2019, August). Dual Phase Void Prediction in Microscopic Yarn Models. ICCM22 - 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials.
- Klett, Y. (2019, August). Von Stricklieseln und Papierfliegern. WiWeb Kolloquium 2019.
- Klett, Y. (2019, August). When four creases meet: Technical tessellation tales. IDETC-CIE 2019 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference.
- Reghat, M., Tang, A. M., Wiezman, Y., Fuss, F. K., Middendorf, P., Bjekovic, R., Hyde, L., Fox, B., Mirabedini, A., & Hameed, N. (2019, August). Smart Graphene-Enabled Composite. ICCM22 - 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials.
- Middendorf, P. (2019, August). Composites 4.0: From Design to Automated Manufacturing. ICCM22 - 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials.
- Damm, A., Bahroun, K., & Middendorf, P. (2019, August). A Low-Cost Flow Front Monitoring System. ICCM22 - 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials.
- Ackermann, A. C., Carosella, S., Middendorf, P., & Fox, B. (2019, August). Effect of Surface Functionalization of Graphene Particles on the Properties of Nanocomposites. ICCM22 - 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials.
- Helber, F., Szcesny, M., Carosella, S., & Middendorf, P. (2019, August). Enhancements on Automated Preforming for Composite Structures. ICCM22 - 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials.
- Oei, M., Klett, Y., Harder, N., Flemming, D., & Sawodny, O. (2019, August). Modelling the Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Perforated Foldcore Sandwich Composites for Application in Room Air Conditioning. 2019 IEEE 15th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE).
- Klett, Y. (2019, August). Paper, planes and more -- Exploring the potential of origami, from aerospace to architecture. Seminar at Georgia Tech.
- Lux, B., Fial, J., Schmidt, O., Carosella, S., Middendorf, P., & Fox, B. (2019, August). Comparison of picture frame devices and analysis of locking angle for fabrics with different cross-ply angles. ICCM22 - 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials.
- Sachse, R., Jochens, M., Ross, M., Pickett, A. K., & Middendorf, P. (2019, August). Low-Velocity Impact Simulation with a Special Focus on Thick Composites. ICCM22 - 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials.
- Strohmayer, A. (2019, Juli). Aircraft design for electric flight. Innovative Summer School.
- Klett, Y., & Middendorf, P. (2019, Juni). Exploration of Plastically Annealed Lamina Emergent Origami Structures. EMI Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2019.
- Pfeifle, O., Fichter, W., Bergmann, D. P., Denzel, J., Strohmayer, A., Schollenberger, M., & Lutz, T. (2019, Juni). Precision performance measurements of fixed-wing aircraft with wing tip propellers. AIAA AVIATION Forum.
- Heudorfer, K. (2019, Mai). Introduction of the Institute of Aircraft Design and EFFICOMP activities. Presentation of the Advanced Ply Placement (APP) results developed during the EU-Project Efficient Composite Parts Manufacturing (EFFICOMP). National Composite Center (NCC).
- Heudorfer, K. (2019, Mai). Herstellung von GFK-Spoilern mit Niederdruck-Harzinjektion und Fotopolymerisation. LBZ-Workshop \textquotedblLeichtbau wird leichter mit UV-Anwendungen\textquotedbl.
- Althammer, F., Moncayo, D., & Middendorf, P. (2019, Mai). Approach for Modelling Thermoplastic Generative Designed Parts. 12th European LS-DYNA Conference.
- Schauwecker, F., Moncayo, D., Andrade, F., Feucht, M., Beck, M., & Middendorf, P. (2019, Mai). Modeling of Bolts using the GISSMO Model for Crash Analysis. 12th European LS-DYNA Conference.
- F. Helber, S. Carosella, & P. Middendorf. (2019, März). Advanced Ply Placement -- Neue Ansätze für die automatisierte Fertigung von Faserverbundstrukturen. 26. Stuttgarter Kunststoffkolloquium.
- M. Blandl, & P. Middendorf. (2019, März). TowPregs -- auf ihrem Weg zur Serie. 26. Stuttgarter Kunststoffkolloquium.
- T. Schlotthauer, & P. Middendorf. (2019, März). Prozessgrenzen bei der stereolithografischen Herstellung von Kohlenstoff-kurzfaserverstärktem Kunststoff. 26. Stuttgarter Kunststoffkolloquium.
- J. Dittmann, & P. Middendorf. (2019, März). Permeabilitätsmessungen bei technischen Textilien und die Durchführung von Benchmarkstudien. 26. Stuttgarter Kunststoffkolloquium.
- Bergmann, D., Denzel, J., & Strohmayer, A. (2019). Free-Flight test platform e-Genius-Mod, Motivation for test platform, Introduction LuFo-Project ELFLEAN. UAV Flight Test Convention.
- Chen, Y. (2019). Parameterization of wind evolution model using lidar measurement. Wind Energy Science Conference 2019.
- Lemmer, F., Fröhlich, C., Bischoff, O., Cheng, P. W., & Eca, L. (2019). Modelling uncertainty in the validation of the hydrodynamics of a floating offshore wind turbine. Proceedings of the WESC 2019.
- Lemmer, F., Yu, W., Zhou, S., & Cheng, P. W. (2019). Systems Engineering for floating wind: Developing tools for integrated design and optimization. Proceedings of the WindEurope Offshore.
- Kretschmer, M., Pettas, V., & Cheng, P. W. (2019). Effects of Wind Farm Down-Regulation in the Offshore Wind Farm alpha ventus. ASME 2nd International Offshore Wind Technical Conference.
- Kretschmer, M., Jonkman, J., & Cheng, P. W. (2019). Validation of FAST.Farm considering structural loads at alpha ventus. Wind Energy Science Conference 2019.
- Performance of a Passive Tuned Liquid Column Damper for Floating Wind Turbines. (2019). In W. Yu, F. Lemmer, & P. W. Cheng (Hrsg.), International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering: Bd. Volume 10: Ocean Renewable Energy.
- Zhou, S., Lemmer, F., Yu, W., Cheng, P. W., Li, C., & Xiao, Y. (2019). Optimization of the dynamic response of semi-submersibles: influence of the mooring system. Proceedings of the ASME 2019 2nd International Offshore Wind Technical Conference.
- Yu, W., Bischoff, O., Cheng, P. W., Wolken-Moehlmann, G., & Gottschall, J. (2018, November). Validation of a simplified LiDAR-buoy model using open sea measurements. ASME 2018 1st International Offshore 2018.
- Bergmann, D. P., Denzel, J., Strohmayer, A., Kontis, K., & Pantelakis, S. (2018). UAS as flexible and innovative test platform for aircraft configuration and systems testing. MATEC Web of Conferences, 233, 00001.
- Neumann, A., Pickett, A., & Middendorf, P. (2018, November). Measurement of Size Effects in Laminate Compression Specimens. Conamet-Sam.
- Strohmayer, A. (2018, September). The challenge of accelerating impact of academic aviation research for increased competitiveness of the European Aeronautics: the EASN approach. 8th EASN-CEAS Workshop on Manufacturing for Growth and Innovation.
- Facciotto, S., Pouchias, A., Tifkitsis K. I., Pickett, A., Stein, J., Skordos, A. A., & Miguel-Giraldo, C. (2018, September). Variability propagation, process monitoring and simulation tools for predictive modelling of RTM processes. 8th EASN-CEAS International Workshop.
- Helber, F., Amann, A., Carosella, S., & Middendorf, P. (2018, September). Intrinsic Fibre Heating: A novel Approach for Automated Dry Fibre Placement. TEXCOMP-13.
- Heudorfer, K., Engelfried, M., Fial, J., Carosella, S., & Middendorf, P. (2018, September). Characterisation of the Forming properties of wide unidirectional prepreg tapes using the advanced ply placement (APP) process. 8th EASN - CEAS International Conference on Manufacturing for Growth & Innovation.
- Muhs, F., Klett, Y., & Middendorf, P. (2018, September). Automated Numerical Process Chain for the Design of Folded Sandwich Cores. 7th International Meeting on Origami, Science, Mathematics, and Education.
- Fial, J., Harr, M., Böhler, P., & Middendorf, P. (2018, September). Automated wet compression moulding of load-path optimized TFP preforms with low cycle times. 13th international conference on textile composites (Texcomp).
- Klett, Y. (2018, August). PALEO: Plastically Annealed Lamina Emergent Origami. ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference.
- Khaniki, M. S., Schlipf, D., & Cheng, P. W. (2018, August). A Comparison Between LIDAR-Based Feedforward and DAC for Control of Wind Turbines.
- Helber, F., Szcesny, M., Carosella, S., & Middendorf, P. (2018, Juli). Advanced Ply Placement: A novel Approach for the Automated Placement of dry Fibres from Bio-Based Materials. ICMAC 2018.
- Facciotto, S., Pickett, A., Lingua A., López Palomarez, J. I., & Middendorf, P. (2018, Juni). Effect of Fabric Deformation and Flow Velocity on Generation of Porosity in Infusion Processes. FPCM - 14th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials.
- Draskovic, M., Pickett, A. K., & Middendorf, P. (2018, Juni). In-Situ Image Processing of Fatigue Damaged Cross-Ply Laminates Coupled With Simulation to Predict Residual Strength Degradation. ECCM 18 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials.
- Engelfried, M., Antonin Mavoungou, L., Verspohl, I., Böhler, P., & Middendorf, P. (2018, Juni). Generating Representative Volume Elements of Yarns with Non-Circular Filaments’ Cross-Sections. FPCM - 14th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials.
- Dittmann, J., Böhler, P., Vinot, M., Liebold, C., Fritz, F., Pau, A., Dölle, N., Haufe, A., Finkh, H., Dinkelmann, A., & Middendorf, P. (2018, Juni). Der Digitale Prototyp. Technologietag Hybrider Leichtbau.
- Lemmer, F., Yu, W., Chaudhari, Pegalajar-Jurado, A., Borg, M., Mikkelsen, R. F., & Bredmose, H. (2018, Juni). The TripleSpar campaign: Validation of a reduced-order simulation model for floating wind turbines. ASME 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering.
- Khaniki, M. S., Schlipf, D., Pettas, V., & Cheng, P. W. (2018, Juni). Control Design For Disturbance Rejection in Wind Turbines. 2018 Annual American Control Conference.
- Strohmayer, A. (2018, Juni). New Trends in Aircraft Design and their Implications on Structures and Materials. ICEAF V - 5th International Conference of Engineering Against Failure.
- Popko, W., Huhn, M. L., Robertson, A., Jonkman, J., Wendt, F., Müller, K., Kretschmer, M., Vorpahl, F., Hagen, T. R., Galinos, C., Le Dreff, J.-B., Gilbert, P., Auriac, B., Víllora, F. N., Schünemann, P., Bayati, I., Belloli, M., Oh, S., Totsuka, Y., … Cai, J. (2018). Verification of a Numerical Model of the Offshore Wind Turbine From the Alpha Ventus Wind Farm Within OC5 Phase III.
- Schwingel, J., Wellekötter, J., Baz, S., Middendorf, P., Bonten, C., & Gresser, G. (2018, Juni). Resource and Energy Efficient Manufacturing of Automotive Lightweight Parts Made of Recycled Material. ECCM 18 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials.
- Vittori, F., Bouchotrouch, F., Lemmer, F., & Azcona, J. (2018, Juni). Hybrid scaled testing of a 5MW floating wind turbine using the SIL method compared with numerical models. ASME 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering.
- Geiß, I., Notter, S., Strohmayer, A., & Fichter, W. (2018, Juni). Optimized Operation Strategies for Serial Hybrid-Electric Aircraft. Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference, AIAA AVIATION Forum.
- Schauwecker, F., Moncayo, D., Beck, M., & Middendorf, P. (2018, Juni). Investigation of the Failure Behavior of Bolted Connections under Crash Loads and a Novel Adaption to an Enhanced Abstracted Bolt Model. 15th International LS-DYNA Conference.
- Dittmann, J., & Middendorf, P. (2018, Juni). Experimental Validation of Numerical Dual-Scale Permeability Prediction. FPCM - 14th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials.
- Diermann, V., Middendorf, P., Boese C., & Schlaak, P. (2018, Juni). Towards an Automatic Evaluation of a Car Floor Module in a Pole Crash Load Case. 15th International LS-DYNA Conference.
- Fial, J., Hüttl, J., Middendorf, P., & Henning, F. (2018, Juni). Ganzheitliche Untersuchung der Nasspresstechnologie anhand ausgewählter Prozess- und Simulationsrouten. 5. Technologietag hybrider Leichtbau.
- Fial, J., Böhler, P., & Middendorf, P. (2018, Mai). Automated wet compression moulding of load-path optimised TFP preforms with low cycle times. 29th SICOMP Conference on Manufacturing and Design of Composites.
- Klett, Y., & Middendorf, P. (2018, Mai). BiSKiTs: Bistable Kirigami Tessellations. EMI Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2018.
- Sommer, D., Bender, B., Eidmann, F., & Middendorf, P. (2018, Mai). Manufacturing of hybrid steel-FRP specimens for the characterization of material properties. 29th SICOMP Conference on Manufacturing and Design of Composites.
- Fial, J., Carosella, S., Langheinz, M., Wiest, P., & Middendorf, P. (2018, April). Novel Textile Characterisation Approach Using An Embedded Sensor System And Segmented Textile Manipulation. ESAFORM 2018.
- Kretschmer, M., Müller, K., Borisade, F., Wiesel, G., & Cheng, P. W. (2018, April). Simpack Offshore Wind within the OC5 Phase 3 Project for Tool Validation. 4th Wind and Drivetrain Conference.
- Strohmayer, A. (2018, April). EASN Proposal for an Open Innovation Test Platform. EASN Open Workshop on accelerated impact of academic aviation research for improved air transport for all European citizens.
- Selvarayan, S., Küppers, S., Lehman, B., Müller, L., Zink, D., Michaelis, D., Zuleger, S., Bahroun, K., Middendorf, P., & Gresser, G. (2018, Februar). Integrated FRP battery thermal management module. 8. WerkstoffPlus Auto.
- Strohmayer, A. (2018, Februar). Elektrisches Fliegen - Was bedeutet das für den Flugzeugentwurf? 25. Kolloquium Luftverkehr.
- Klett, Y. (2018, Februar). Kleine Falten, große Wirkung: Kostengünstige und leistungsfähige Leichtbaulösungen. 2. Kongress Innovation+: Papier, Textil & Folie.
- Klett, Y. (2018, Januar). Kostengünstige und leistungsfähige Lösungen für multifunktionalen Leichtbau. innovation+: papier, textil & folie.
- Lemmer, F., Yu, W., Cheng, P. W., Pegalajar-Jurado, A., Borg, M., Mikkelsen, R., & Bredmose, H. (2018). The TripleSpar campaign: Validation of a reduced-order simulation model for floating wind turbines. Proceedings of the ASME 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering.
- Faerron Guzmán, R., Lemmer, F., Yu, W., Müller, K., Borisade, F., & Cheng, P. W. (2017, November). Current research on simulations of floating offshore wind turbines. 35. CADFEM ANSYS Simulation Conference.
- Draskovic, M., Pickett, A. K., Carosella, S., Kärger, L., Henning, F., & Middendorf, P. (2017, November). Accelerated Residual Strength After Fatigue Testing Using In-Situ Image Processing for Damage Detection. SAMPE Conference 2017.
- Klett, Y. (2017, November). Overview of Mechanical Properties of Foldcore-based Sandwich Structures. The Second International Workshop on Origami Engineering, Tianjin, China.
- Muhs, F., & Middendorf, P. (2017, November). Mechanical Performance of Curved Sandwich Foldcores. SAMPE Conference 2017.
- Gizik, D., Metzner, C., Weimer, C., & Middendorf, P. (2017, November). Heavy tow carbon fibers for aerospace applications. Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference 2017.
- Helber, F., Schrick, B., Carosella, S., & Middendorf, P. (2017, November). Tailored Preform Production with Customizable UD Materials for Hybrid Material Design. SAMPE Conference 2017.
- Michaelis, D., & Middendorf, P. (2017, November). Tensile Testing of Biaxially Braided Carbon Composites. SAMPE Conference 2017.
- Strohmayer, A., & Geiß, I. (2017, Oktober). Power management of hybrid-electric propulsion chains. 5th More Electric Aircraft Conference.
- Molter, C., & Cheng, P. W. (2017, Oktober). Optimal Placement of an Airflow Probe at a Multirotor Uav for Airborne Wind Measurements. European Rotorcraft Forum 2017.
- Schumann, L. (2017, Oktober). Hybrid-Elektro-Pendlerflugzeuge - eine geeignete Anwendung im kommerziellen Luftverkehr. e$^2$-Symposium - Emissionsfreies und elektrisches Flugsymposium.
- Strohmayer, A. (2017, Oktober). A European Aeronautics Science Network - The EASN~Association. Aerospace Symposium 2017 - Manufacturing for Growth.
- Kretschmer, M., Cheng, P. W., & Huang C.-C. (2017, Oktober). Integrated Substructure Analysis for Wind Turbines under Seismic Loading. DEWEK 2017.
- Strohmayer, A., & Geiß, I. (2017, Oktober). Eco4: Hybridelektrische Viersitzflugzeuge der neuen Generation. e$^2$-Symposium - Emissionsfreies und elektrisches Flugsymposium.
- Lay, J. (2017, Oktober). Hybridisierungskonzepte mit der heutigen Technologie. e$^2$-Symposium - Emissionsfreies und elektrisches Flugsymposium.
- Fernández, D., Begemann, B., Middendorf, P., & Horst, P. (2017, September). Untersuchung des Beul- und Tragverhaltens von Selektiv Genähten, Versteiften FKV-Paneelen unter Mehraxialer Belastung. 66. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress.
- Lay, J. (2017, September). Hybrid-Electric Flight -- what are we waiting for? 7th EASN International Conference.
- Strohmayer, A. (2017, September). The Effect of Wing-tip Propulsors on ICARÉ 2 Aeroelasticity. 7th EASN international conference: Innovation in European Aeronautics Research.
- Dittmann, J., & Middendorf, P. (2017, September). Numerische Permeabilitätsvorhersage von textilen RTM-Preforms. CC Austria, RTM - Next Steps.
- Heudorfer, K., Engelfried, M., Fial, J., Carosella, S., & Middendorf, P. (2017, September). Investigation of a New out of Autoclave Placement Process, Mould Concepts/Release Strategies and Reusable Heated Bagging Material. 7th EASN International Conference.
- Strohmayer, A. (2017, September). Turning Icaré II into a test platform -- will the modifications affect aeroelasticity? 7th EASN International Conference.
- Molter, C., & Cheng, P. W. (2017, September). Propeller Performance Calculation for Multicopter Aircraft at Forward Flight Conditions and Validation with Wind Tunnel Measurements. 9th International Micro Air Vehicles Conference and Flight Competition.
- Klett, Y. (2017, September). Kleine Knicke, große Wirkung -- faltungsbasierte Sandwichkerne. 2. Bremer Faserverbundtage.
- Klett, Y., Zeger, C., & Middendorf, P. (2017, September). Experimental Characterization of Pressure Loss Caused by Flow Through Foldcore Sandwich Structures. ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference.
- Dittmann, J., Hügle, S., Seif, P., Kaufmann L., & Middendorf, P. (2017, August). Permeability Prediction Using Porous Yarns in a Dual-Scale Simulation with Openfoam. ICCM21 - 21st International Conference on Composite Materials.
- Wellekötter, J., Baz, S., Schwingel, J., Gresser, G. T., Middendorf, P., & Bonten, C. (2017, August). Recycling of composites -- A new approach minimizes downgrading. EUROPE/AFRICA CONFERENCE DRESDEN 2017 -- POLYMER PROCESSING SOCIETY PPS.
- Klett, Y. (2017, August). Experimental Characterization of Pressure Loss Caused by Flow Through Foldcore Sandwich Structures. ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference.
- Sommer, D., & Silak, I. (2017, Juli). Untersuchung von hybriden Klebeverbindungen während des Aushärteprozesses in einem gläsernen Ofen. CCeV Engineering/Klebtechnik/NDE.
- Raach, S., Boersma, S., van Wingerden, J.-W., Schlipf, D., & Cheng, P. W. (2017, Juli). Robust lidar-based closed-loop wake redirection for wind farm control. 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC).
- Klett, Y., Middendorf, P., Sobek, W., Haase, W., & Heidingsfeld, M. (2017, Juli). Potential of origami-based shell elements as next-generation envelope components. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM).
- Lemmer, F., Müller, K., Yu, W., Schlipf, D., & Cheng, P. W. (2017, Juni). Optimization of floating offshore wind turbine platforms with a self-tuning controller. International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineerin.
- Schwingel, J., Baz, S., Wellekötter, J., & Carosella, S. (2017, Juni). Resource and Energy Efficient Manufacturing of Automotive Lightweight Parts Made of Recycled Material. BW Forschungstag 2017.
- Poppe, C., Fial, J., Kräger, L., Carosella, S., Zimmerling, C., Albrecht, F., Draskovic, M., Engelfried, M., Middendorf, P., & Henning, F. (2017, Mai). Zeit- und kosteneffiziente Prozess- und Produktentwicklung für den Hochleistungs-Faserverbundleichtbau mittels Nasspresstechnologie. 4. Technologietag Hybrider Leichtbau.
- Schrick, B., & Carosella, S. (2017, Mai). Anlagentechnik für Maßgeschneiderte Preform Konstruktion und Produktion. 4. Technologietag Hybrider Leichtbau.
- Liebold, C., Haufe, A., Vinot, M., Dittmann, J., Böhler, P., Finckh, H., & Middendorf, P. (2017, Mai). The Digital Prototype as Part of Envyo - Developent History and Applications within the ARENA2036 Environment. 11th European LS-DYNA Conference.
- Böhler, P., Dittmann, J., Michaelis, D., Middendorf, P., & Liebold, C. (2017, Mai). Manufacturing Simulation as Part of the Digital Prototype. 11th European LS-DYNA Conference 2017.
- Strohmayer, A. (2017, April). Electric Flight at University of Stuttgart. Seminar, Beijing Institute of Technology.
- Engelfried, M., Fial, J., Tartler, M., Böhler, P., Hägele, D., & Middendorf, P. (2017, April). A Mesoscopic Approach for Draping Simulation of Preforms Manufactured by Direct Fibre Placement. 20th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming.
- Facciotto, S., Dittmann, J., Pickett, A. K., & Middendorf, P. (2017, April). Characterization and Modelling of Local Compaction Effect on Permeability in Infusion Processes. 8th International Conference on Composites Testing and Model Identification.
- Draskovic, M., Pickett, A. K., & Middendorf, P. (2017, April). Influence of Ply Waviness on the Residual Strength After Fatigue in GFRP - Comparison of Localized and Uniform Defects. 8th International Conference on Composites Testing and Model Identification.
- Raach, S., van Wingerden, J.-W., Boersma, S., Schlipf, D., & Cheng, P. W. (2017, April). H\_inf controller design for closed-loop wake redirection. American Control Conference (ACC).
- Neumann, A., Pickett, A. K., & Middendorf, P. (2017, April). Finite Element and Experimental Stress Analysis of Laminated Composite Compression Specimens. 8th International Conference on Composites Testing and Model Identification.
- Gnädinger, F., Middendorf, P., & Fox, B. (2017, März). Influence of Carbon Fibre Sizings and Matrix Resins on Fibre-Matrix Adhesion: Flexure and Shear Measurements of CFRP-Laminates. 25. Stuttgarter Kunststoffkolloquium.
- Wellekötter, J., Bonten, C., Baz, S., Gresser, T., Schwingel, J., & Middendorf, P. (2017, März). Resource-Efficient Lightweight Design Due to New Recycling Concept. 25. Stuttgarter Kunststoffkolloquium.
- Dittmann, J., Dollinger, F., Kaufmann L., & Middendorf, P. (2017, März). Numerical Permeability Prediction with OpenFOAM. 25. Stuttgarter Kunststoffkolloquium.
- Szcesny, M., Heudorfer, K., Middendorf, P., Blumrich, R., Riegel M., & Wiedemann, J. (2017, März). Design, Manufacturing and Application of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Airfoils Used to Create Turbulence and Gusts in a Vehicle Wind Tunnel. 25. Stuttgarter Kunststoffkolloquium.
- Wolfinger, B., Carosella, S., & Middendorf, P. (2017, März). Complex Carbon/PA6 Hybrid Yarn Structures Made by Tailored Fibre Placement. 25. Stuttgarter Kunststoffkolloquium.
- Bauer, F., Middendorf, P., Kempf, M., & Weiland, F. (2017, März). Basalt Fiber Reinforced Composites for Elevated Application Temperatures. 25. Stuttgarter Kunststoffkolloquium.
- Heudorfer, K., Carosella, S., & Middendorf, P. (2017, März). Compression Wet Moulding as Alternative to RTM. 25. Stuttgarter Kunststoffkolloquium.
- Bischoff, O., Würth, I., Gottschall, J., Gribben, B., Stein, D., Hughes, J., & Verhoef, H. (2017, Januar). Towards Recommended Practices for Floating Lidar Systems. EERA DeepWind 2017 Deep Sea 2017.
- Michaelis, D. (2016, Dezember). Prüfverfahren von CFK-Geflechten. CCeV Thementag Flechten.
- Schwingel, J. (2016, November). Resource and Energy Efficient Manufacturing of Automotive Lightweight Parts Made of Recycled Material. International Textile Conference 2016 (Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf).
- Strohmayer, A. (2016, November). Aircraft design for hybrid-electric flight. Electric & Hybrid Aerospace Technology Symposium.
- Dittmann, J., Böhler, P., Michaelis, D., & Middendorf, P. (2016, Oktober). DigitPro -- Aufbau eines digitalen Prototyps für den industriellen Großeinsatz 4.0. NAFEMS Seminar - Simulation von Composites -- Bereit für Industrie 4.0.
- Strohmayer, A. (2016, Oktober). Innovative Emerging Trends: A Hybrid-Electric Demonstrator Aircraft in the Commuter Category. CAPPADOCIA Workshop, 6th EASN International Conference.
- Dittmann, J., & Middendorf, P. (2016, Oktober). ARENA2036 -- Above-and-Beyond. LS-Dyna User Forum.
- Middendorf, P. (2016, Oktober). DigitPro: Ganzheitlicher digitaler Prototyp für industriellen FVK-Leichtbau. Forel Kolloquium.
- Kretschmer, M., Arnold, M., & Cheng, P. W. (2016, Oktober). Simulating Wind Farms with Simplified Fluid-Structure-Interaction using Ansys CFX and Flexible Multibody Simulation. 34. CADFEM Ansys Simulation Conference.
- Klett, Y., Muhs, F., & Middendorf, P. (2016, August). Behavior of Congruent Tessellation Stacks Under Torsional Loading. ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE2016).
- Schlipf, D., Mazoyer, P., Boquet, M., Raach, S., Scholbrock, A., & Fleming, P. (2016, Juli). High-Frequency Wind Retrieval Algorithms from Nacelle-Mounted Lidars for Wind Turbine Control Applications. 18th International Symposium for the Advancement of Boundary-Layer Remote Sensing (ISARS).
- Dittmann, J., Hügle, S., & Middendorf, P. (2016, Juli). Numerical 3D Permeability Prediction Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Techniques. FPCM - 13th Internation Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials.
- Raach, S., Schlipf, D., Borisade, F., & Cheng, P. W. (2016, Juli). Wake redirecting using feedback control to improve the power output of wind farms. American Control Conference (ACC).
- Sachse, R., Pickett, A. K., Gnädinger, M., & Middendorf, P. (2016, Juni). Mechanisms to Arrest a Crack in the Adhesive Bondline of Fatigue Loaded CFRP-Joints Using a Rivetless Nutplate Joint. ECCM17 17th European Conference on Composite Materials.
- Dittmann, J., & Middendorf, P. (2016, Juni). DigitPro - Ganzheitlicher digitaler Prototyp im Leichtbau für die Großserienproduktion. Fachtagung Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft nachhaltig vernetzen.
- Tartler, M., Hägele, D., Fial, J., Engelfried, M., Karb, I., & Middendorf, P. (2016, Juni). Investigation and Simulation of Forming Behaviour of Preforms Made by Direct Fibre Placement. ECCM17 17th European Conference on Composite Materials.
- Fial, J., Böhler, P., & Middendorf, P. (2016, Juni). Advanced Forming of Tailored Textiles Using Locally Modified Properties for Optimized Lightweight Structures. ECCM17 17th European Conference on Composite Materials.
- Strohmayer, A. (2016, Juni). Flugzeugentwurf für den Luftverkehr von morgen. KOLLOQUIUM Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik.
- Engelfried, M., Nosek, T., Heieck, F., Böhler, P., & Middendorf, P. (2016, Juni). Mesoscopic draping simulation of out-of-autoclave prepregs and experimental validation. ECCM17 17th European Conference on Composite Materials.
- Heieck, F., & Middendorf, P. (2016, Juni). Effect of the Cover Factor of 2D Biaxial and Triaxial Braided Carbon Composites on Their In-Plane Mechanical Properties. ECCM17 17th European Conference on Composite Materials.
- Koch, C., Lemmer, F., Borisade, F., Matha, D., & Cheng, P. W. (2016, Juni). Validation of INNWIND.EU scaled model tests of a semisubmersible floating wind turbine. International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference.
- Muhs, F., Klett, Y., & Middendorf, P. (2016, Juni). Influence of Geometry and Base Material on the Compressive Properties of Foldcores. ECCM17 17th European Conference on Composite Materials.
- Dittmann, J., Michaelis, D., Böhler, P., & Middendorf, P. (2016, Juni). DigitPro - Validating The Link Between Braiding Simulation, Infiltration and Mechanical Testing. ECCM17 17th European Conference on Composite Materials.
- Michaelis, D., & Middendorf, P. (2016, Juni). Characteristic Load Cases of Biaxial Braids. ECCM17 17th European Conference on Composite Materials.
- Gizik, D., Metzner, C., & Middendorf, P. (2016, Juni). Spreading of Heavy Tow Carbon Fibers for the use in aircraft structures. ECCM17 17th European Conference on Composite Materials.
- Engelfried, M., Nosek, T., Heieck, F., Böhler, P., & Middendorf, P. (2016, Juni). Lowflip - Draping Simulation of Prepregs at Mesoscopic and Macroscopic Level. d.
- Zink, D., Awe, C., & Middendorf, P. (2016, Juni). Automated Design Approach and Potential Assessment of Composite Structures: Fast Analytical Engineering Tool for Multiple Load Cases. ECCM17 17th European Conference on Composite Materials.
- Kretschmer, M., & Cheng, P. W. (2016, Mai). Analysis of Two Flow Models for the Simulation of Floating Offshore Wind Farms. 12th EAWE PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe.
- Vinot, M., Holzapfel, M., Michaelis, D., Dittmann, J., Böhler, P., Middendorf, P., & Liebold, C. (2016, Mai). Numerische Prozesskette für die Auslegung von geflochtenen Fahrzeugkomponenten - Nutzen und Herausforderungen. Symposium Faszination Hybrider Leichtbau.
- Meiler, S., Fey, P., Kreutzbruck, M., Draskovic, M., & Middendorf, P. (2016, Mai). Nondestructive Testing of CFRP with Thermoplastic Matrix. ANTEC.
- Klein, L., & Middendorf, P. (2016, April). Designte Sensorfunktionalität im Automobilleichtbau mit Faserverbundkunststoff (eine Systembetrachtung). 4SMARTS Symposiums.
- Blandl, M. (2016, März). Development of an Alternative Method for Fiber Impregnation. EPTA - 13th World Pultrusion Conference.
- Carosella, S. (2016, März). Recent Developments and Research Results regrading TFP-Technology at the Institute of Aircraft Design. CCeV Thementag Tailored Fiber Placement.
- Middendorf, P., Michaelis, D., Böhler, P., Dittmann, J., & Heieck, F. (2016, März). ARENA2036 - DigitPro: Development of a Virtual Process Chain. 16th Stuttgart International Symposium on Automotive and Engine Technology.
- Strohmayer, A. (2016, Februar). Electric Flight - New ideas for tomorrow’s air transportation. Symposium E2 -Fliegen.
- Luhmann, B., Borisade, F., Raach, S., & Cheng, P. W. (2016, Januar). Coupled Aero-Elastic Multi-Body Simulation of Two-Bladed Wind Turbines in Wind Park Arrays. AIAA conference.
- Strohmayer, A. (2015, November). Elektrisches Fliegen - Neue Ideen für den Lufttransport von morgen. Wissensforum Rathaus: Samstags-Uni.
- Wortmann, S., Haizmann, F., Geisler, J., & Konigorski, U. (2015, November). Comparison of Feedback and Ideal and Realistic Lidar-Assisted Feedforward Individual Pitch Control. Scientific Track of European Wind Energy Association Annual Event (EWEA).
- Fürst, H., Schlipf, D., Latour, M. I., & Cheng, P. W. (2015, November). Design and evaluation of a lidar-based feedforward controller for the INNWIND.EU 10 MW wind turbine. European Wind Energy Association Annual Event (EWEA).
- Schlipf, D., Fleming, P., Raach, S., Scholbrock, A., Haizmann, F., Krishnamurthy, R., Boquet, M., & Cheng, P. W. (2015, November). An adaptive data processing technique for lidar-assisted control to bridge the gap between lidar systems and wind turbines. European Wind Energy Association Annual Event (EWEA).
- Lay, J., Schumann, L., Geiß, I., & Strohmayer, A. (2015, November). Electric and Hybrid Aircraft - Current Research at the University of Stuttgart. 10th AirTec.
- Gutierrez, M. A., Tiana-Alsina, J., Bischoff, O., Cateura, J., & Rocadenbosch, F. (2015, November). Performance evaluation of a floating Doppler wind lidar buoy in mediterranean near-shore conditions. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2015.
- Adebahr, W., Sachse, R., Middendorf, P., & Kreutzbruck, M. (2015, Oktober). Crack growth monitoring at CFRP adhesive bondings. Polymer Processing Society Conference 2015.
- Fuhr, J.-P., & Middendorf, P. (2015, Oktober). Validierung der virtuellen Auslegungsprozesskette für schichtbasierte Faserverbundstrukturen. ESI DACH Forum.
- Böhler, P., & Middendorf, P. (2015, Oktober). Mesoskopisches Drapieren - Simulation und Vailidierung. LBZ-Tagung.
- Trujillo, J. J., Beck, H., Müller, K., Cheng, P. W., & Kühn, M. (2015, Oktober). Detailed validation of dynamic loading simulation of offshore wind turbines operating in wake. RAVE Offshore Wind R&D Conference.
- Beyer, F., & Cheng, P. W. (2015, Oktober). Load Simulation of Offshore Wind Turbines - Modeling Techniques and Validation by Measurements. SIMPACK Wind and Drivetrain Conference 2015.
- Würth, I., Haizmann, F., Anger, J., Schlipf, D., Hofsäß, M., Raach, S., & Cheng, P. W. (2015, Oktober). Four years of nacelle-based lidar measurements in alpha ventus - a review. RAVE Offshore Wind R&D Conference.
- Raach, S., Schlipf, D., Trujillo, J. J., Cheng, P. W., & W, P. (2015, Oktober). Lidar-based wake tracking for wind farm control at alpha ventus. RAVE Offshore Wind R&D Conference.
- Faerron Guzmán, R., Lott, S., Müller, K., & Cheng, P. W. (2015, Oktober). Evaluation of the Extreme and Fatigue Load Measurements at Alpha Ventus. RAVE International Conference.
- Klein, L., & Middendorf, P. (2015, September). Functionalized lightweight parts: Application of LCM for the integration of automotive sensors in CFRP structures. Polymer Processing Society Conference 2015.
- Arnold, M., Biskup, F., & Cheng, P. W. (2015, September). Load Reduction Potential of Variable Speed Control Approaches for Fixed Pitch Tidal Current Turbines. 11th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference.
- Arnold, M., Biskup, F., & Cheng, P. W. (2015, September). Impact of Structural Flexibility on Loads on Tidal Current Turbines. 11th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference.
- Klett, Y., & Middendorf, P. (2015, August). Kinematic analysis of congruent multilayer tessellations. ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences.
- Fateri, M., Gebhardt, A., Gabrielli, R. A., Herdrich, G., Fasoulas, S., Großmann, A., Schnauffer, P., & Middendorf, P. (2015, Juli). Additive Manufacturing of Lunar Regolith for Extra-terrestrial Industry Plant. 30th ISTS.
- Gabrielli, R. A., Seelmann, J., Großmann, A., Herdrich, G., Fasoulas, S., Schnauffer, P., Middendorf, P., Fateri, M., & Gebhardt, A. (2015, Juli). System Architecture of a Lunar Industry Plant Using Regolith. 30th ISTS.
- Haizmann, F., Schlipf, D., Raach, S., Scholbrock, A., Wright, A., Slinger, C., Medley, J., Harris, M., Bossanyi, E., & Cheng, P. W. (2015, Juli). Optimization of a feed-forward controller using a CW-lidar system on the CART3. American Control Conference.
- Gabrielli, R. A., Mathies, J., Großmann, A., Herdrich, G., Fasoulas, S., Schnauffer, P., Middendorf, P., Fateri, M., & Gebhardt, A. (2015, Juli). Space Propulsion Considerations for a Lunar Take Off Industry Based on Regolith. 30th ISTS.
- Raach, S., Schlipf, D., Trujillo, J. J., & Cheng, P. W. (2015, Juli). Model-based wake tracking using lidar measurements for wind farm control. Windfarms 2015 conferences.
- Bezerra, R., Wilhelm, F., Strauß, S., & Ahlborn, H. (2015, Juli). Manufacturing of Complex Shape Composite Parts through the Combination of Pull-Braiding and Blow Moulding. ICCM20 - 20th International Conference on Composite Materials.
- Großmann, A., Gabrielli, R. A., Herdrich, G., Fasoulas, S., Schnauffer, P., Middendorf, P., Fateri, M., & Gebhardt, A. (2015, Juli). Overview of the MultiRob 3D Lunar Industrial Development Project. 30th ISTS.
- Weber, M. J., & Middendorf, P. (2015, Juli). Semi-analytical panel buckling of cylindrical composite grid-stiffened structures comprising discrete stiffener formulations. 18th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS18).
- Tiana-Alsina, J., Gutierrez, M. A., Würth, I., Puigdefabregas, J., & Rocadenbosch, F. (2015, Juli). Motion compensation study for a floating Doppler wind lidar. IGARSS.
- Sachse, R., Pickett, A. K., Adebahr, W., Klein, M., Käß, M., & Middendorf, P. (2015, Juli). Experimental investigation of mechanical fasteners regarding their influence on crack growth in adhesively bonded CFRP-joints subjected to fatigue loading. in 20th Internactional Conference on Composite Materials.
- Heieck, F., & Middendorf, P. (2015, Juli). Technological approaches on cost reduction challenges for thermoset composites. JEC Americas Conference.
- Gizik, D., Metzner, C., & Middendorf, P. (2015, Juli). First Study on using Heavy Tow Fibers for Textile Preform Processes in the Aerospace Industry. ICCM20 - 20th International Conference on Composite Materials.
- Fernández, D., & Middendorf, P. (2015, Juli). Study of the Influence of UV-Light on CFRP Laminates Stitched with Aramid Thread. ICCE-23.
- Heieck, F. (2015, Juni). Quality Assessment of 2D Braided Composites with Optical Measurement Techniques. 18th International Conference on Composite Structures.
- Beyer, F., Choisnet, T., Kretschmer, M., & Cheng, P. W. (2015, Juni). Coupled MBS-CFD Simulation of the IDEOL Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Foundation Compared to Wave Tank Model Test Data. 25th ISOPE.
- Biskup, F., Arnold, M., Daus, P., & Engbroks, L. (2015, Juni). Actuator Disc Model of a Tidal In-Stream Energy Converter - Voith HyTide. 25th ISOPE.
- Arnold, M., Kretschmer, M., Biskup, F., Koch, J., & Cheng, P. W. (2015, Juni). A Validation Method for Fluid-Structure-Interaction Simulations Based on Submerged Free Decay Experiments. 25th ISOPE.
- Lemmer, F., Raach, S., Schlipf, D., & Cheng, P. W. (2015, Juni). Prospects of Linear Model Predictive Control on a 10MW Floating Wind Turbine. Proceedings of the ASME 34th International Conference on Ocean & Offshore and Arctic Engineering.
- Böhler, P., Carosella, S., Götz, C., & Middendorf, P. (2015, Mai). Reverse Draping - oder - Woher kommen Fasergerechte Ablagepfade für den TFP-Prozess. Compoform 2015.
- Matha, D., Beyer, F., Lemmer, F., & Cheng, P. W. (2015, Mai). Model Testing and Numerical Simulation in Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Design - Overview and Conclusions from practical Applications. German Wind Energy Conference (DEWEK).
- Hofsäß, M., Kozlowski, D., Siebers, T., & Cheng, P. W. (2015, Mai). Comparison of the Rotor Equivalent Wind Speed of Ground- and Nacelled-Based LIDAR. German Wind Energy Conference (DEWEK).
- Beyer, F., Luhmann, B., Raach, S., & Cheng, P. W. (2015, Mai). Shadow Effects in an Offshore Wind Farm - Potential of Vortex Methods for Wake Modelling. German Wind Energy Conference (DEWEK).
- Haizmann, F., Schlipf, D., & Cheng, P. W. (2015, Mai). Correlation-Model of Rotor-Effective Wind Shears and Wind Speed for LiDAR-based Individual Pitch Control. German Wind Energy Conference (DEWEK).
- Würth, I., & et. al. (2015, Mai). Determination of stationary and dynamical power curves in inhomogeneous wind flow using a nacelle-based lidar system. German Wind Energy Conference (DEWEK).
- Blandl, M. (2015, April). Alternative TowPregs - A further developed impregnation technology for semi-finished fiber products. Hannovermesse 2015.
- Weber, M. J., & Middendorf, P. (2015, März). Semi-analytical global and panel buckling of composite grid-stiffened cylindrical shells. 3rd International Conference on Buckling and Postbuckling Behaviour of Composite Laminated Shell Structures.
- Fey, P., Busse, G., Kreutzbruck, M., Michaelis, D., & Middendorf, P. (2015, März). Non-Destructive Monitoring of Damage in CFRP Laminates using Ultrasonic Birefringence. ANTEC 2015.
- Reiling, J. M., Middendorf, P., & Sindel, M. (2015, März). Quality assurance of adhesive processes in the body shop. 15thStuttgart International Symposium on Automotive and Engine Technology.
- Manjock, A., Bredmose, H., Azcona, J., Lemmer, F., Amann, F., & Campagnolo, F. (2015, März). Rotor Aerodynamics For Tank Tests Of Scaled Floating Wind Turbines. EWEA Offshore.
- Raach, S., Schlipf, D., Haizmann, F., Fürst, F., Würth, I., & Cheng, P. W. (2015, März). Advances in lidar-assisted control and power curve measurement of wind turbines in the LIDAR II project. EWEA Offshore.
- Beyer, F., Choisnet, T., Favré, M., & Cheng, P. W. (2015, März). Simplified Aerodynamic Models with Limited Rotor Data for the Design of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Support Structures. EWEA Offshore.
- Gnädinger, F. (2015, Februar). Einfluss der Faserschlichte auf die Faser-Matrix Haftung. Qualitative Untersuchungen für verschiedene Polymerschlichten und -harzsysteme. 24. Stuttgarter Kunststoffkolloquium.
- Sandner, F., Amann, F., Azcona, J., Munduate, X., Bottasso, C. L., Campagnolo, F., Bredmose, H., Manjock, A., Pereira, R., & Robertson, A. (2015, Februar). Model Building and Scaled Testing of 5MW and 10MW Semi-Submersible Floating Wind Turbines. EERA Deepwind.
- Bischoff, O., Schlipf, D., Würth, I., & Cheng, P. W. (2015, Februar). Dynamic Motion Effects and Compensation Methods of a Floating Lidar Buoy. EERA DeepWind 2015 Deep Sea Offshore Wind Conference.
- Dittmann, J., Neu, A., & Middendorf, P. (2015, Februar). Permeabilitätsbestimmung für die optimierte Herstellung von endlosfaserverstärkten Kunststoffen. 24. Stuttgarter Kunststoffkolloquium.
- Dittmann, J. (2015, Februar). Permeabilitätsbestimmung für die optimierte Herstellung von Faser-Kunststoff-Verbunden. 24. Stuttgarter Kunststoffkolloquium.
- Schumann, L. (2015, Februar). Elektroflug im praktischen Einsatz. e$^2$-Symposium.
- Ahlborn, H. (2015, Februar). Herstellung komplexer FVK-Bauteile mittels Flechtpultrusion und Blasumformung. 24. Stuttgarter Kunststoffkolloquium.
- Reiling, J. M. (2015, Februar). Eigenschaftsprofil von Klebverbindungen im Karosseriebau. 24. Stuttgarter Kunststoffkolloquium.
- Blandl, M. (2015, Februar). Entwicklung eines alternativen Imprägnierverfahrens für Faserhalbzeuge. 24. Stuttgarter Kunststoffkolloquium.
- Sandner, F., Yu, W., & Cheng, P. W. (2015, Februar). Parameterized Dynamic Modelling Approach for Conceptual Dimensioning of a Floating Wind Turbine System. EERA Deepwind.
- Fey, P., Michaelis, D., Middendorf, P., Busse, G., & Kreutzbruck, M. (2015, Februar). Charakterisierung anisotroper Schädigung in CFK mittels Akustischer Doppelbrechung. 24. Stuttgarter Kunststoffkolloquium.
- Adebahr, W., Rahammer, M., Sachse, R., Gröninger, S., Käß, M., Kreutzbruck, M., & Busse, G. (2015, Februar). Crack growth monitoring at CFK adhesive bondings. 24. Stuttgarter Kunststoffkolloquium.
- Fuhr, J.-P., & Middendorf, P. (2015, Januar). From draping to fracture - Tool chain validation for ply-based composite structures. Composites Virtual Prototyping Expert Seminar.
- Sachse, R., Pickett, A. K., Käß, M., & Middendorf, P. (2015). Numerical Simulation of Fatigue Crack Growth in the Adhesve Bondline of Hybrid CFRP Joints. COMPOSITES 2015.
- Middendorf, P., Sommer-Dittrich, T., Böhler, P., Dittmann, J., Michaelis, D., Heieck, F., & Zuleger, S. (2015). Forschungscampus ARENA2036 - Leichtbau durch Funktionsintegration und Aufbau einer digitalen Prozesskette. ATZ Tagung.
- Dittmann, J. (2015). Permeabilitätsbestimmung und der Weg zu aussagekräftigen Füllsimulationen. AFBW AG Simulation.
- Middendorf, P., Böhler, P., Dittmann, J., Michaelis, D., & Heieck, F. (2015). DigitPro - Holistic digital prototype for lightweight design in large-scale production. JEC Singapore.
- Dittmann, J., Böhler, P., Michaelis, D., Vinot, M., Liebold, C., Fritz, F., Finckh, H., & Middendorf, P. (2015). DigitPro - Digital Prototype Build-up Using the Example of a Braided Structure. 2. International Merge Technologies Conference.
- Kärger, L., Böhler, P., Magagnato, D., Galkin, S., & Henning, F. (2014, November). Virtuelle Prozesskette für Bauteile aus Hochleistungsfaserverbund. FCC2014.
- Fuhr, J.-P., Böhler, P., Heieck, F., Miene, A., & Middendorf, P. (2014, November). Optische Preformanalyse zur 3D-Validierung der Drapier- und Flechtsimulation. FCC2014.
- Bischoff, O., Würth, I., Cheng, P. W., Alsina, J. T., & Gutierrez, M. A. (2014, November). Motion effects on lidar wind measurement data of the EOLOS buoy. RENEW.
- Beyer, F., Matha, D., Arnold, M., Luhmann, B., & Cheng, P. W. (2014, Oktober). Coupled CFD and Vortex Methods for Modelling Hydro- and Aerodynamics of Tidal Current Turbines and On- and Offshore Wind Turbines. Simpack User Meeting 2014.
- Fuhr, J.-P., Feindler, N., & Middendorf, P. (2014, Oktober). Virtuelle Bewertung von Drapiereinflüssen auf die Steifigkeit und Festigkeit von schichtbasierten Faserverbundstrukturen. NAFEMS Seminar.
- Kärger, L., Fritz, F., Magagnato, D., Galkin, S., Schön, A., Oeckerath, A., Wolf, K., & Henning, F. (2014, Oktober). Development Stage and Application of a Virtual Process Chain for RTM Components. Proceedings NAFEMS Seminar Simulation of Composites A Closed Process Chain.
- Müller, K., Sandner, F., Bredmose, H., Azcona, J., Manjock, A., & Pereira, R. (2014, September). Improved Tank Test Procedures For Scaled Floating Offshore Wind Turbines. International Wind Engineering Conference IWEC.
- Geiß, I., & Voit-Nitschmann, R. (2014, September). Dimensionierung des Energiespeichers hybrider Elektroflugzeuge. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfhartkongress.
- Klett, Y., & Middendorf, P. (2014, August). Kinematic exploration of 1-DOF origami mechanisms. Proceedings of the the 16th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics.
- Arnold, M., Daus, R., Biskup, F., & Cheng, P. W. (2014, Juli). Tidal Current Turbine Wake and Park Layout in transient Environments. 33rd OMAE.
- Priess, T., & Middendorf, P. (2014, Juli). Thermische Eigenschaften von Kohlenstoffasern im Hochtemperaturbereich. 4. CFK-Workshop am Institut für Strahlwerkzeuge (IFSW).
- Heieck, F. (2014, Juli). Klein, groß, günstig, schnell - Textilbasierter Faserverbund-Leichtbau für die Serie. Industrial Composites Production Conference (AUTOMATICA).
- Dittmann, J. (2014, Juli). Permeability determination of resistive welded carbon fabrics. FPCM.
- Raach, S., Schlipf, D., Sandner, F., Matha, D., & Cheng, P. W. (2014, Juni). Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Floating Wind Turbines with Individual Pitch Control. American Control Conference.
- Schlipf, D., Grau, P., Raach, S., Duraiski, R., Trierweiler, J., & Cheng, P. W. (2014, Juni). Comparison of linear and nonlinear model predictive control of wind turbines using LIDAR. American Control Conference.
- Beyer, F., Arnold, M., & Cheng, P. W. (2014, Juni). Simulation of Ocean Waves for Load Assessment of Surface Piercing and Fully Submerged Bodies with Ansys CFX. Ansys Conference 32. CADFEM User’s Meeting 2014.
- Middendorf, P. (2014, Juni). ARENA2036 - Lightweight design and flexible production for next generation automobiles. ICPC Konferenz.
- Sandner, F., Schlipf, D., Matha, D., & Cheng, P. W. (2014, Juni). Integrated Optimization of Floating Wind Turbine Systems. 33rd International Conference on Ocean & Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE.
- Robertson, A., & F. Beyer. (2014, Juni). Offshore Code Comparison Collaboration Continuation Within IEA Wind Task 30: Phase II Results Regarding a Floating Semisubmersible Wind System. 33rd International Conference on Ocean & Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE).
- Carosella, S. (2014, Mai). Tailored Fibre Placement - a look on its benchmarks. ICS America.
- Molins, C., Campos, A., Sandner, F., & Matha, D. (2014, Mai). Monolithic Concrete Off-Shore Floating Structure For Wind Turbines. Proceedings of the EWEA.
- Härtel, F., Böhler, P., & Middendorf, P. (2014, Mai). An Integral Mesoscopic Material Characterization Approach. ESAFORM2014.
- Heieck, F., & Fuhr, J.-P. (2014, Mai). Wann ist eine Preform „gut“? Qualitätsbestimmung mit optischer Texturanalyse. 1. Technologietag Hybrider Leichtbau.
- Böhler, P., Carosella, S., Götz, C., & Middendorf, P. (2014, April). Path definition for tailored fiber placement structures using numerical reverse draping approach. ESAFORM2015.
- Beyer, F., & Cheng, P. W. (2014, April). Dynamic Behaviour of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines. IEA R&D Wind Task XI.
- Fuhr, J.-P., Baumann, J., Härtel, F., Feindler, N., & Middendorf, P. (2014, April). Effects of in-plane waviness on the properties of carbon composites - experimental and numerical analysis. 6th International Conference on Composites Testing and Model Identification.
- Trujillo, J. J., Seifert, J. K., Kühn, M., Schlipf, D., & Würth, I. (2014, März). Measuring wind turbine yaw misalignment by near wake tracking. EWEA Annual Event.
- Metzner, C., Gessler, A., Weimer, C., Beier, U., & Middendorf, P. (2014, März). Performance assessments on unidirectional braided CFRP materials. SEICO14.
- Haizmann, F., Schlipf, D., Cosack, N., Neuhaus, D., Raach, S., Maul, T., & Cheng, P. W. (2014, März). Field Testing of LiDAR assisted Feed-Forward Control on a Large Commercial Wind Turbine. EWEA Annual Event.
- Priess, T., Onuseit, V., Wiedemann, M., Freitag, C., Weber, R., Middendorf, P., & Graf, T. (2014, Februar). Produktive Laserbearbeitung von CFK - der Laser als Werkzeug. SAMPESymposium Deutschland 2014.
- Schumann, L., & Middendorf, P. (2014, Februar). FVK in der allgemeinen Luftfahrt - Leichtbau am Beispiel des Elektroflugzeugs e-Genius. SAMPESymposium Deutschland 2014.
- Fuhr, J.-P., Feindler, N., & Middendorf, P. (2014, Februar). Berücksichtigung von Fertigungseinflüssen in der Strukturauslegung von schichtbasierten Faserverbundwerkstoffen. SAMPESymposium Deutschland 2014.
- Böhler, P., Härtel, F., & Middendorf, P. (2014, Februar). Mesoskopisches Drapieren: Simulation und Validierung. SAMPESymposium Deutschland 2014.
- Schumann, L. (2014, Januar). e-Genius auf den Green Speed Cup 2013. IDAFLIEG Wintertreffen.
- Raach, S., Schlipf, D., Haizmann, F., & Cheng, P. W. (2014). Three Dimensional Dynamic Model Based Wind Field Reconstruction from Lidar Data. Journal of Physics: Conference Series.
- Middendorf, P., & Drechsler, K. (2013, Dezember). Networks and Private Public Partnerships for R&D on Automotive Composites. IQPC Automotive Composites.
- Böhler, P., Härtel, F., Pickett, A. K., & Middendorf, P. (2013, November). Mesoskopischer Ansatz für die Drapiersimulation von unidirektionalen vernähten Textilien. ESI DACH Forum.
- Weber, M. J., & Middendorf, P. (2013, Oktober). Weight estimation of composite grid--stiffened fuselage structures critical to skin buckling. 3rd EASN Association International Workshop on Aerostructures.
- Böhler, P., Härtel, F., & Middendorf, P. (2013, Oktober). Drapieren: Simulation und Verifikation. CCeV.
- Middendorf, P. (2013, Oktober). Manufacturing technologies for load-path oriented design: An overview. JEC Americas.
- Haizmann, F., & Cheng, P. W. (2013, September). Advanced Lidar-Assisted Control of Wind Turbines. 9th EAWE PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe.
- Arnold, M., Biskup, F., Matha, D., & Cheng, P. W. (2013, September). Simulation of Rotor-Foundation-Interaction on Tidal Current Turbines with Computational Fluid Dynamics. 10th EWTEC.
- Biskup, F., Arnold, M., Daus, P., Arlitt, R., & Hohberg, M. (2013, September). Effects of Rotor Blade Tip Modifications on a Tidal In-Stream Energy Converter - Voith HyTide. 10th EWTEC.
- Klett, Y. (2013, August). Realtime rigid folding algorithm for quadrilateral- based 1-DOF tessellations. ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences.
- Markus, D., Wüchner, R., Arnold, M., Bletzinger, K. U., & Hojjat, M. (2013, Juli). A reduced modeling Methodology for efficient Ocean Wave CFD Simulation of fully submerged Structures. 32nd OMAE.
- Priess, T., & Middendorf, P. (2013, Juli). Gemeinsamkeiten von lasergeschnittenen Kohlenstofffasern und Wattestäbchen. 3. CFK-Workshop am Institut für Strahlwerkzeuge.
- Bender, B., Middendorf, P., Ehard, & Milosev. (2013, Juli). Stoffschlüssiges Fügen von Aluminium und CFK durch die Epoxidharz-Matrix für die Herstellung hybrider Strukturbauteile. 19. Symposium Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbund.
- Kärger, L., Magagnato, D., Schön, A., Böhler, P., Fischer, S., Fritz, F., & Henning, F. (2013, Juli). Aufbau einer durchgängigen CAE-Kette durch Verknüpfung von Drapier-, Formfüll- und Struktursimulation zur ganzheitlichen Bewertung von Bauteilen aus Hochleistungsfaserverbunden. DGM Tagung Verbundwerkstoffe / Werkstoffverbunde 2013.
- Schlipf, D., Sandner, F., Raach, S., Matha, D., & Cheng, P. W. (2013, Juli). Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Floating Wind Turbines. ISOPE.
- Arnold, M., & Cheng, P. W. (2013, Juni). Simulation of Fluid-Structure-Interaction on Tidal Current Turbines with flexible Multibody Systems and Ansys CFX. 31st ACUM.
- Middendorf, P., & Popp. (2013, Juni). Advances in Composite Repair. JEC Asia.
- Beyer, F., Arnold, M., & Cheng, P. W. (2013, Juni). Analysis of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Hydrodynamics using coupled CFD and Multibody Methods. 23rd International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE).
- Arnold, M., Biskup, F., & Cheng, P. W. (2013, Juni). Simulation of Fluid-Structure-Interaction on Tidal Current Turbines based on coupled Multibody and CFD Methods. 23rd ISOPE.
- Weber, & Middendorf, P. (2013, Juni). Semi-analytical skin buckling of curved orthotropic grid-stiffened shells. Proceedings of ICCS17.
- Schumann, L. (2013, Mai). Electric Aircraft research - two years of flying e-Genius. Electric aircraft symposium.
- Carosella, S. (2013, Mai). Lastpfadgerechte Auslegung und Fertigungsverfahren für Faserkunststoffverbunde. Sika-Technologieforum.
- Carosella, S., & Middendorf, P. (2013, März). Der Weg zum FVK mit Hilfe direkter Preformverfahren. 23. Stuttgarter Kunststoff-Kolloquium.
- Middendorf, P. (2013, März). Potenzial und Einsatzgebiete von FKV für Leichtbauanwendungen. 23. Stuttgarter Kunststoff Kolloquium.
- Heieck, F. (2013, März). Entwicklung eines Handhabungsgerätes in Faserverbundbauweise. 2. Augsburger Technologietransfer-Kongress.
- Haizmann, F., Fleming, P., Schlipf, D., Scholbrock, A., Hofsäß, M., Wright, A., & Cheng, P. W. (2013, Februar). Implementation of an Online Correlation Analysis for an Adaptive LiDAR based Feed-Forward Controller for Wind Turbines. EWEA Annual Event.
- Schumann, L. (2013, Januar). Massenreduktion durch Weglassen - Theoretische Baukonzeptuntersuchung. IDAFLIEG Wintertreffen.
- Schumann, L. (2013, Januar). Flugleistungsvermessung des e-Genius. IDAFLIEG Wintertreffen.
- Sirtautas, J., & Pickett, A. K. (2013). Fabric permeability testing and their use in infusion simulation. CompTest.
- Härer, A., Matha, D., Kucher, D., & Sandner, F. (2013). Optimization of offshore wind turbine components in multi-body simulations for cost and load reduction. EWEA Offshore.
- Pickett, A. K., Sirtautas, J., & Masseria. (2013). Challenges of VARI process simulation: materials testing and simulation approaches. CCeV.
- Pickett, A. K., Sirtautas, J., & Masseria. (2013). Resin infusion simulation for large structural composite parts. TexComp-11.
- Härtel, F., Böhler, P., & Middendorf, P. (2013). Identification of forming limits for unidirectional carbon textiles in reality and mesoscopic simulation. ESAForm.
- Kärger, L., Schön, A., Fritz, F., Böhler, P., Magagnato, D., Fischer, S., & Henning, F. (2013). Virtual Process Chain for an integrated assessment of high-performance composite structures. NAFEMS World Congress.
- Gnädinger, F., Middendorf, P., Karcher, M., & Henning, F. (2013). Holistic Design Process for Hollow Structures based on Braided Textiles and RTM. ICCST-9.
- Beilstein, L., Arnold, M., & Rudolph, S. (2013). Methodische Darstellung der Relativität von Optimalbegriffen im Flugzeugvorentwurf am Beispiel von Flugzeugpanels. DLRK.
- Härtel, F., & Middendorf, P. (2013). Process parameter studies and comparison of different preform processes with NCF material. ICCM 19.
- Galappathithi, U. I. K., Pickett, A. K., Draskovic, M., Capellaro, M., & De Silva. A. K. M. (2013). The Effect of Ply Waviness for the Fatigue Life of Composite Wind Turbine Blades. ICREPQ 13 (RE&PQJ).
- Draskovic, M., Galappathithi, U. I. K., Pickett, A. K., Capellaro, M., & Middendorf, P. (2013). Influence of ply waviness on residual strength and fatigue degradation of composite wind turbine blades. ICCM19.
- Schlipf, D., Fleming, P., Kapp, Scholbrock, A., Haizmann, F., Belen, Wright, A., & Cheng, P. W. (2013). Direct Speed Control Using LIDAR and Turbine Data. American Control Conference.
- Schlipf, D. (2013). Lidars and Wind Turbine Control - Part 1 (Chapter 9 in Remote Sensing for Wind Energy). DTU Wind Energy-E-Report-0029(EN).
- Böhler, P., Michaelis, D., Heieck, F., & Middendorf, P. (2013). Numerical prediction and experimental validation of triaxially braided fibre architecture on curved mandrels. TexComp-11.
- Sandner, F., & Cheng, P. W. (2013). Conceptual design of floating wind turbines. In Proceedings of the 9th PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe.
- Pickett, A. K., Sirtautas, J., & Masseria. (2013). Process and challenges for resin infusion simulation of large structural composite parts. CCeV.
- Scholbrock, A., Fleming, P., Fingersh, Wright, A., Schlipf, D., Haizmann, F., & Belen. (2013). Field Testing LIDAR-Based Feed-Forward Controls on the NREL Controls Advanced Research Turbine. 51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition.
- Kilchert, S., May, Gnädinger, F., Karcher, M., & Schoepfer. (2013). Einfluss des Flechtwinkels auf die Werkstoffeigenschaften von Tri-Axialen Geflechten. 19. Symposium Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde.
- Bulat, M., Wascinski, Middendorf, P., & Rödel. (2013). Consolidation of braid-based CFRP structures using an expandable mandrel. ICCM.
- Gnädinger, F., Middendorf, P., Karcher, M., Chaudhari, & Henning, F. (2013). Realisierung und Potential von Hohlstrukturbauteilen mit Hinterschnitt im RTM-Verfahren für die automobile Großserie. 19. Symposium Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde.
- Erber, A., Middendorf, P., & Drechsler, K. (2012, November). Automated Process Chains for Carbon Composites. JEC Americas.
- Schlipf, D., Rettenmeier, A., Haizmann, F., Hofsäß, M., Courtney, M., & Cheng, P. W. (2012, November). Model Based Wind Vector Field Reconstruction from Lidar Data. German Wind Energy Conference (DEWEK).
- Würth, I., Rettenmeier, A., Schlipf, D., Cheng, P. W., Wächter, Rinn, & Peinke. (2012, November). Determination of Stationary and Dynamical Power Curves Using a Nacelle-based LIDAR System. German Wind Energy Conference (DEWEK).
- Schuon, F., González, D., Rocadenbosch, F., Bischoff, O., & Jané, R. (2012, November). KIC InnoEnergy Project Neptune: development of a floating LiDAR buoy for wind, wave and current measurements. German Wind Energy Conference 2012.
- Sandner, F., Schlipf, D., Matha, D., Seifried, R, & Cheng, P. W. (2012, Oktober). Reduced Nonlinear Model of a Spar-Mounted Floating Wind Turbine. German Wind Energy Conference DEWEK. Bremen.
- Liebau, van Campen, Sommer-Dittrich, T., & Middendorf, P. (2012, Oktober). On the Effect of Draping Strategy on FE-Based Draping Simulation of Basic and Complex 3D Geometries for Automated Preforming. 3rd Aircraft Structural Design Conference.
- Beyer, F., & Cheng, P. W. (2012, September). Dynamic Behaviour of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines. 8th PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe.
- Matha, D., Sandner, F., & Schlipf, D. (2012, September). Efficient Critical Design Load Case Identification for Floating Offshore Wind Turbines with a Reduced Nonlinear Model. The Science of Making Torque from Wind. Oldenburg.
- Middendorf, P. (2012, September). Research: Technology Trends in Composite Simulation. Composite Technologies Symposium.
- Arnold, M., & Cheng, P. W. (2012, September). Fluid-Structure-Interaction on Tidal Current Turbines. 8th EAWE-PhD-Summerschool.
- Liebau, van Campen, Sommer-Dittrich, T., Dölle, & Middendorf, P. (2012, September). An Approach for Investigating the complexity of an Automated Draping Process Using the Finite-Element Method. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012).
- Klett, Y. (2012, August). Isometrically folded structures in near net shape core applications. ICSS10 - International Conference on Sandwich Structure.
- Prieß, & Middendorf, P. (2012, Juli). Einfluss des Laserprozesses auf die Faser-Matrix-Anbindung beim Schneiden von Kohlenstofffasern. 2. CFK-Workshop am Institut für Strahlwerkzeuge.
- Carosella, S. (2012, Juli). Textile Preforming and its potential for automatisation. IQPC Composite Manufacturing.
- Prieß, Hafner, Weber, Graf, & Middendorf, P. (2012, Juni). Influence of laser processing on carbon fibres. Stuttgart Laser Technology (SLT) Forum.
- Rettenmeier, A., Anger, J., Bischoff, O., Hofsäß, M., Schlipf, D., & Würth, I. (2012, Juni). Nacelle-Based Lidar Systems. Summer School:Remote Sensing for Wind Energy.
- Middendorf, P., Jäger, S., & Prowe. (2012, Juni). Damage Tolerance of CFRP Airframe Structures: Criteria and Concepts. DLR Bauweisen Kolloquium.
- Schlipf, D., Anger, J., Bischoff, O., Hofsäß, M., Rettenmeier, A., Würth, I., Siegmeier, & Cheng, P. W. (2012, Mai). Lidar Assisted Wind Turbine Control. RAVE International Conference.
- Carosella, S. (2012, Mai). Tailored Fibre Placement - an option for automated high volume Preform Production. Sampe Conference SEMAT.
- Rettenmeier, A., Anger, J., Bischoff, O., Hofsäß, M., Schlipf, D., Würth, I., & Cheng, P. W. (2012, Mai). Development of Lidar wind measurement techniques. RAVE International Conference.
- Carosella, S., & Hoffmann, M. (2012, März). Tailored Fibre Placement - Fasern strukturgerecht ablegen. 13. Textiltechnik Tagung.
- Carosella, S. (2012, März). Tailored Fibre Placement - Merging stitching and fibre placement technologies. ICS Europe.
- Middendorf, P., & Birkefeld, K. (2012, Februar). Entwicklungstrends in der Faserverbund-Simulation. Fachkongress Composite Simulation.
- Carosella, S., & Hoffmann, M. (2012, Januar). Das Tailored Fibre Placement Verfahren im Fokus des konstruktiven Leichtbaus. automobil bw: TecNet Gruppe Leichtbau.
- Beyer, F., Matha, D., Sebastian, & Lackner. (2012, Januar). Development, Validation and Application of a Curved Vortex Filament Model for Free Vortex Wake Analysis of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines. 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit.
- Bulat, M., Kehrle, R., Drechsler, K., & Bommes. (2012). Effects of pressurized cores on the properties of braided CFRP structures. SAMPE EUROPE 33rd.
- von Reden, T., Birkefeld, K., Vigoureux, Blanchard, Henke, & Baumgart. (2012). Development of an UD-Braided Longeron With Variable Cross Sections. SAMPE EUROPE 33rd.
- Liebau, van Campen, Sommer-Dittrich, T., & Middendorf, P. (2012). User- and Process-Defined Benchmark of Kinematic and FE-Draping Codes and Integration into the CAx Process Chain. NAFEMS European Conference Multiphysics Simulation.
- Birkefeld, K. (2012). Analysis and Process Simulation of braided structures. EUCOMAS.
- Erber, A., & Drechsler, K. (2012). Damage Tolerant Drive Shafts with Integrated CFRP Flanges. SAMPE.
- Dolezal, Kittmann, Senner, & Claupein. (2012). Collecting geo-referenced data for agricultural purposes with an UAS. 3rd International Conference on Machine Control & Guidance.
- Baumann, J., Härtel, F., Middendorf, P., Milwich, Müller, K., & Planck. (2012). Experimental Draping Studies Based on Standard Textile Testing. Annual World Conference on Carbon 2012.
- Gnädinger, F., Härtel, F., Middendorf, P., Kuhlmann, & Bauernhansl. (2012). Design of multifunctional automotive structures using braiding technology. Annual World Conference on Carbon.
- Birkefeld, K., & Middendorf, P. (2012). Optimization of Braided Structures With a Genetic Algorithm Considering Production Aspects. SETEC 12.
- Birkefeld, K., von Reden, T., & Middendorf, P. (2012). Material Quality of Braided Fuselage Profiles. AIAA SDM Conference.
- Härtel, F., & Middendorf, P. (2012). A multi-functional Test Rig. Aachen Dresdner Textiltagung.
- Dransfeld, Siegfried, Birkefeld, K., & von Reden, T. (2012). FX-Core: Functional braiding mandrel for the fast impregnation of hollow profiles. SAMPE Europe Conference SEICO.
- Breede, Frieß, Jemmali, Koch, Voggenreiter, H., & Frenzel. (2012). Mechanical and microstructural characterization of C/C-SIC manufactured via triaxial and biaxial braided fiber preforms. International conference and Expo on advanced ceramics and composites.
- Böhler, P., Bouc, Ahlborn, H., & Middendorf, P. (2012). Innovative joining of aircraft profiles with braided holes. ECCM 15.
- Dransfeld, Siegfried, Birkefeld, K., & von Reden, T. (2012). FX-CORE: Functional braiding mandrel for the compression resin transfer moulding of profiles. SAMPE EUROPE 33rd.
- Hafner, Weber, Graf, & Middendorf, P. (2012). Influence of laser processing on carbon fibres. Laser Technology (SLT) Forum.
- Härtel, F., Wagner, Middendorf, P., & Fleischer. (2012). Draping Strategies and Automation solutions for complex CFRP-Components. SETEC.
- Middendorf, P., Erber, A., & Carosella, S. (2012). Flechttechnologie für composite Leichtbaustrukturen: auf dem Weg zur Serienfertigung. Fertigungstechnisches Kolloquium.
- Schumann, L. (2012). Flight Testing of the e-Genius aircraft. Airbus e-Genius Day.
- Beyer, F., Sebastian, & Matha, D. L. (2011, November). Curved Vortex Filaments in Free Vortex Wake Analysis of Floating Wind Turbines. EWEA Offshore 2011.
- Bischoff, O., Hofsäß, M., & Cheng, P. W. (2011, November). Wind turbine simulation in flat and complex terrain using generic wind fields based on lidar and sonic measurement data. European Wind Energy Association Annual Conference and Exhibition 2015, EWEA 2015.
- Carosella, S., Birkefeld, K., & von Reden, T. (2011, Oktober). Entwicklung bis zur Serienumsetzung eines Handhabungsgerätes in Faserverbundbauweise. Materialica Kongress.
- Carosella, S. (2011, Oktober). Grundlagen der CFK-Herstellung. 1. Fachtagung CFK Bearbeitung.
- Prieß. (2011, September). Injektions- und Infiltrationstechnologien für Faserverbundstrukturen. 1. CFK-Workshop am Institut für Strahlwerkzeuge (IFSW).
- Leutza, Kluepfelb, Dumontb, Hinterhoelzla, Drechsler, K., & Weimer, C. (2011). FE-Simulation of the Diaphragm Draping Process for NCF on a Macro-Scale Level. 14th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming ESAFORM.
- Feindler, N., Drechsler, K., & Döll, J. (2011). Test method to analyse the energy absorption of composite material using flat coupon testing. 5th International Conference on Composites Testing and Model Simulation.
- Bender, Fischer, & Drechsler, K. (2011). Optimizing a Foldcore concerning density specific stiffness properties. SEICO.
- Pickett, A. K., & Birkefeld, K. (2011). Analysis and process simulation of textile structures. SAMPE Technical Conference.
- Kaiser, Weimer, C., & Drechsler, K. (2011). Automated impregnation of preforms for cost-effective manufacturing of fibre reinforced plastics. CFK-Convention.
- Drechsler, K. (2011). Automatisierte textile Vorformlingtechnologie. Cluster-Treff.
- Fischer, & Drechsler, K. (2011). Aluminium Faltkerne für den Einsatz in Sandwichstrukturen. Landshuter Leichtbau-Colloquium.
- Nogueira, Drechsler, K., Hombergsmeier, & Pacchione. (2011). Investigation of a hybrid 3d-reinforced joining technology for lightweight structures. 16th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 16).
- Mildner, Dölle, Drechsler, K., & Bjekovic. (2011). Influence of reinforced metal structures using fibre reinforced plastics. SAMPE EUROPE 32nd International Technical Conference.
- Nogueira, Drechsler, K., Hombergsmeier, & Pacchione. (2011). Investigation of the properties and failure mechanismus of a damage tolerant 3d-reinforced joint for lightweight structures. Sampe Setec 11.
- Kittmann, Breeman, & Schmollgruber, P. (2011). The NACRE Innovative Evaluation Platform and its Navigation - Control Strategies. SAE 2011 AeroTech Congress.
- Werchner, Havar, & Drechsler, K. (2011). Influence of design and loading on the mechanical behaviour of thick composite lugs. DGLR Kongress.
- Feindler, N., Fuhr, J.-P., Böhler, P., Drechsler, K., & Döll, J. (2011). Simulation und Dimensionierung von energieabsorbierenden Faserverbundstrukturen für automobile Anwendungen. NWC11 NAFEMS 2011.
- Feindler, N., Döll, J., & Drechsler, K. (2011). CFK in automobilen Crashstrukturen: Anforderungen, Dimensionierung und Simulation. ATZlive.
- Erber, A. (2011). Cost Efficient Manufacturing Process of CFRP Truck Side Member. SAMPE EUROPE 32nd International Technical Conference.
- Seeger, Reese, Jonke, Englhart, & Drechsler, K. (2011). Cost effective manufacturing of molds for CFRP component production. International Thermal Spray Conference (ITSC).
- Carosella, S. (2010, September). Tailored Fibre Placement - Über- und Ausblick auf eine prosperierende Textiltechnologie. Fachtagung Technisches Sticken- zwischen Forschung und Markt.
- Härtel, F., Erber, A., Drechsler, K., Lengowski, Beyermann, & Röser. (2010). Development and testing of a lightweight CFRP KA-Band antenna for space applications. JEC.
- von Reden, T., Bulat, M., & Drechsler, K. (2010). Mechanical Performance of Hybrid Carbon Glass Fibre Braids with a High Ratio of 0°-Fibres. 10 TexComp Conference.
- Drechsler, K., & Klett, Y. (2010). Technical Tessellations - Hidden Beauties. 5OSME Conference.
- Grzeschik, M., & Drechsler, K. (2010). Experimental studies on folded cores. 9th International Conference on Sandwich Structures.
- Erber, A., Bulat, M., Köber, Ménager, & Drechsler, K. (2010). Development and Test of CFRP Secondary Structures Manufactured by Innovative Textile Preforming Technologies. 31. SAMPE Europe Conference.
- Goraj, Kittmann, Voit-Nitschmann, R., & Szender. (2010). Design and integration of Flexi-bird- a low cost sub-scale research aircraft for safety and environmental issues. ICAS.
- Drechsler, K. (2010). Carbon Composites in Süddeutschland - Eine Region entwickelt sich zum europäischen High-tech-Standort. 9. Innovation Panel.
- Kehrle, R. (2010). Leichtbauplatten mit Foldcore Kernen. Möbelleichtbau-Symposium.
- Werchner, Havar, & Drechsler, K. (2010). Design Guidelines and Analysis Methods for Composite Load Introduction Structures. Simulia Konferenz.
- Kehrle, R. (2010). Leichtbausandwichwerkstoffe. Yachtbau Symposium.
- von Reden, T., Becker, & Drechsler, K. (2010). Design and Energy Transmission for an Electronic Controlled Lace Bobbin. SETEC 10.
- Birkefeld, K., Pickett, A. K., Witzel, V., & Drechsler, K. (2010). Procedures for optimisation of structural composite aircraft profiles considering manufacturing constraints. 3rd EUCOMAS.
- Clairmont, Drechsler, K., Erber, A., & Härtel, F. (2010). Automated handling of dry carbon and prepreg materials for the serial production for aeronautical and automotive applications. SAMPE Europe SEMAT.
- Beilstein, Drechsler, K., & Rudolph, S. (2010). Gewichtsabschätzungen von geklebten und geschweißten Strukturverbindungen im Flugzeugvorentwurf. DLRK.
- Rudolph, S., Fuhr, J.-P., & Beilstein. (2010). A validation method using design languages for weight approximation formulae in the early aircraft design phase. EUCOMAS.
- Drechsler, K. (2010). Was kann man von anderen Märkten lernen? CCeV Automotive Forum.
- Kehrle, R. (2010). Forschung und Entwicklung von Faserverbund- und Sandwichleichtbau im Flugzeug- und Automobilbau. VDI Stuttgart.
- Birkefeld, K., Erber, A., & Drechsler, K. (2010). Virtual Design Process for Braided Drive Shafts. SAMPE SEICO Conference.
- Drechsler, K. (2010). CFK - der Automobilwerkstoff der Zukunft? Internationaler VDI-Kongress Kunststoffe im Automobilbau.
- Härtel, F., Erber, A., & Drechsler, K. (2010). Development and Testing of a Lightweight CFRP Ka-Band Antenna for Space Applications. SAMPE.
- Drechsler, K. (2010). Funktionsintegrierter Leichtbau. 9. Symposium Material Innovativ.
- Erber, A., Weng, & Drechsler, K. (2010). Effect of Designed Yarn Damages on the Out-of-Plane Properties of Braided Composite Parts. 10 TexComp Conference.
- Kehrle, R. (2009). Chancen durch Faserverbundwersktoffe im Anlagenbau - Potenziale und Risiken. CCe.V. Augsburg.
- Fischer, Grzeschik, M., & Drechsler, K. (2009). Potential of high performance foldcores made out of Peek. SETEC Europe.
- Kehrle, R. (2009). Sandwichbauweisen in der Luftfahrt. Leichtbaukolloquium.
- Grave, Birkefeld, K., von Reden, T., Drechsler, K., Kyosev, Y., & Rathjens. (2009). Simulation of 3D overbraiding - Solutions and Challenges. Second World Conference on 3D Fabrics and their Applications.
- Klett, Y., Drechsler, K., Kehrle, R., & Fach. (2009). Cutting Edge Cores: Multifunktionale Faltkernstrukturen. 4. Landshuter Leichtbau-Colloquium.
- Erber, A., Birkefeld, K., & Drechsler, K. (2009). The Influence of Braiding Configuration on Damage Tolerance of Drive Shafts. 30. SAMPE Europe Conference.
- Kehrle, R. (2009). Faserverbundwerkstoffe. IHK.
- Klett, Y., & Drechsler, K. (2009). Cutting edge cores: Multi- functional Core Structures. DGLR Jahrestagung.
- Erber, A., Gittel, Geiger, Chaudhari, Henning, F., & Drechsler, K. (2009). Advanced Damage Tolerance of CFRP Laminates using In-Situ Polymerised Thermoplastics. SAMPE Europe Technical Conference.
- Johnson, A., Kilchert, S., Fischer, & Kehrle, R. (2009). New structural composite core materials. Composites.
- Fischer, Grzeschik, M., & Drechsler, K. (2009). Experimental and numerical parameter study of foldcores. Vortrag auf der Sampe Europe Technical Conference.
- Erber, A., Beyersdorff, & Drechsler, K. (2009). Neue Gesamtkonzepte und Fertigungstechnologien für FVK-Druckwalzen. Composites in Automotive and Aerospace Kongress.
- George, A., Drechsler, K., & Holmberg. (2009). The Permeability of Tackified, Stitched, and Braided Carbon Fiber Textiles: Experi-mental Characterization and Design Modeling. SAMPE.
- George, A., Drechsler, K., & Holmberg. (2009). The Permeability of Carbon Fiber Preforming Materials: Sensitivity to Fabric Geometry. 20th Annual International SICOMP Conference.
- Drechsler, K. (2009). Leichtbaupotential von Faserverbundwerkstoffen im Maschinenbau. IHK Innovationspodium.
- Carosella, S. (2008). The Forefront of Textile Composite Research in Europe. Aerospace Industrial Technology Show.
- Fischer, & Drechsler, K. (2008). Aluminium foldcores for sandwich structure application. CompTest.
- Fischer, Drechsler, K., Kilchert, S., & Johnson, A. (2008). Mechanical tests for foldcore base material properties. CompTest.
- Erber, A. (2008). Flechttechnologie - Kostenoptimiertes Fertigungsverfahren für Faserverbundbauteile. CFK-Technologietag.
- Carosella, S. (2008). Sticken ein textiles Preformverfahren. 2. CFK Technologietag Airbus.
- Kunze, Wellhausen, C., Leistner, Demel, Roser, & Drechsler, K. (2008). Entwicklung von Faserverbund-Hohlbauteilen in RTM-Bauweise am Beispiel eines Traglenkers von Passagierflugzeugtüren. Proc. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress.
- Fischer, & Drechsler, K. (2008). Aluminium Foldcores for Sandwich Structure Application. Cellular Metals for Structural and Functional Applications. CELLMET.
- Wagner, Bansemir, & Drechsler, K. (2008). Verhalten unterschiedlicher FVW-Bauweisen und Fertigungstechniken unter Schlagbelastung. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress.
- Klett, Y., & Drechsler, K. (2008). Cutting edge cores: Aerospace and origami. 9th International Mathematica Symposium.
- Bulat, M. (2008). Textile technology as an innovative manufacturing method for highperformance fibre composite structures. 4th International Textile.
- Trittler, Fichter, W., Voit-Nitschmann, R., & Kittmann. (2008). Preliminary System Identification of the Blended Wing Body Flight Demonstrator VELA2 from Flight Data. AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference.
- Klett, Y., & Drechsler, K. (2008). Cutting-Edge Cores - Origami Meets Aerospace. International Mathematica User Conference.
- Kaiser, Garschke, Fox, B., Weimer, C., & Drechsler, K. (2007). Out of Autoclave Manufacture of Structural Aerospace Composite Materials. International European SAMPE Conference.
- Breckweg, Meyer, Drechsler, K., & Rüger. (2007). Fast and Intuitive Robot Programming for Mandrel Guiding of Braiding Machines for Textile Preforming. International European SAMPE Conference.
- Stüve, Gries, Drechsler, K., Witzel, V., Miravete, & Tolosana. (2007). Simulation of braiding technology along the complete process chain. International European SAMPE Conference.
- Beilstein, & Drechsler, K. (2007). A methodology of weight prediction for joints in aircraft design. SAWE.
- Klett, Y., & Drechsler, K. (2007). Design of Multifunctional Folded Core Structures for Aerospace Sandwich Applications. 1st CEAS European Air and Space Conference.
- Drechsler, K., & Friedrich. (2007). Wege zur kostengünstigen Fertigung von Hochleistungsverbundstrukturen in innovativen Fahrzeugkonzepten. Handelsblattsymposium Werkstoffe und Fertigungstechnik, Technologien und Bauweisen.
- Moncayo, Wagner, & Drechsler, K. (2007). Numerical Simulation of Low Velocity Impact Delamination in Composite Materials. CanCom.
- Voit-Nitschmann, R., Schumann, L., & Geinitz. (2007). HYDROGENIUS: FLYING WITH HYDROGEN. Workshop of Aircraft System Technologies AST 2007.
- Kümpers, Brockmanns, Drechsler, K., & Rüger. (2007). Cost Effective Manufacturing of complex textile preforms by automated braiding technologies. International European SAMPE Conference.
- Klett, Y., Kehrle, R., Drechsler, K., & Carosella, S. (2007). High Tech Origami. Composite Days.
- Wagner, Bansemir, Drechsler, K., & Weimer, C. (2007). Impact Behaviour and Residual Strength of Carbon Fiber Textile based Materials. 3rd SAMPE Europe Technical Conference.
- Drechsler, K. (2006). Origami-like Sandwich Structures for Aerospace Applications. SAMPE International Conference.
- Feher, Drechsler, K., & Filsinger, J. (2006). Development of a Modular 2,45 GHz HEPHAISTOS-CA2 Microwave Processing System for Automated Composites Fabrication. International European SAMPE Conference.
- Drechsler, K., Herkt, Less, & Riegel M. (2006). Dynamic testing of 3D-reinforced composite T-joints. ICAS.
- Aoki, Kensche, Eberle, Wagner, Keilig, T., & Drechsler, K. (2006). NDE Assessment of Long Fibre Reinforced GFRP and CFRP. Conference on Damage and its evolution in fibre composite materials.
- Drechsler, K., & Karb, I. (2006). Design and Performance of Composite Structures made by Tailored Fibre Placement Technology. SAMPE International Conference.
- Drechsler, K., Schouten, & Havar. (2006). 3D reinforcement improving interlaminar shear and peel strength for composites loops. International European SAMPE Conference.
- Pfleiderer, Wagner, Drechsler, K., & Busse, G. (2006). Application and potential of emerging NDE-methods for carbon fibre reinforced composites. Proceedings 27th Sampe Europe Conference.
- Drechsler, K., & Wagner. (2006). Fatigue Behavior and Residual Strength of Textile Based Materials. Conference on Damage and its evolution in fibre composite materials.
- Drechsler, K., Kehrle, R., Klett, Y., & Thorsteinsson, E. (2006). Faltwabenkerne für multifunktionale Leichtbaustrukturen. 2nd MATERIALICA Composites Congress Composites in Automotive Aerospace.
- Drechsler, K., Herkt, Middendorf, P., Less, & Riegel M. (2006). 3D-reinforcement of composite T-joints by means of robot assisted stitching technologies. SAMPE International.
- Palacin, & Drechsler, K. (2006). The Marie Curie Program Momentum - Composites in Transport. International European SAMPE Conference.
- Drechsler, K., Kehrle, R., & Kolax. (2006). Folded Core Sandwich Structures for advanced next generation fuselage concepts. SAMPE Europe Technical Conference.
- Drechsler, K. (2006). Leichtbau in Natur und Technik. HIN Kolloquium.
- Drechsler, K. (2006). Chancen für CFK im Automobil- und Flugzeugbau durch integrierte Fertigungstechnik. Bayern Innovativ Symposium Polymere im Automobilbau.
- Weis, Hoflin, Deimel, Bilgram, & Drechsler, K. (2006). Damage Detection Using Fibre Bragg Grating Sensors. Proceedings of the European Conference on Non Destructive Testing.
- Havar, & Drechsler, K. (2005). 3D Fibre Reinforcement improving interlaminar shear and peel strength of composite loops. SAMPE.
- Drechsler, K. (2005). Neueste Entwicklungen der Faserverbundtechnologie für den Flugzeug- und Automobilbau. Vortrag VDI Arbeitskreis Produktionstechnik.
- Drechsler, K., & Gessler, A. (2005). Textile Fertigungsverfahren für optimierte Faserverbundstrukturen. WING-Konferenz.
- Kehrle, R., & Pfaff. (2005). Mechanische Eigenschaften neuartiger Sandwichkerne. 6. Nationales Symposium SAMPE.
- Kehrle, R., & Drechsler, K. (2005). Manufacturing and performance of folded honeycomb structures. SAMPE.
- Drechsler, K. (2005). Leichtbau im Fahrzeug. Euroforum-Konferenz.
- Kehrle, R., & Drechsler, K. (2005). Manufacturing, Simulation and performance of sandwich structures with folded core. 25th International SAMPE Conference.
- Drechsler, K. (2005). Origami and aerospace - a new approach for sandwich structures. Keynote presentation at International SAMPE Conference.
- Drechsler, K., & Keilig, T. (2005). Schädigungscharakterisierung an NCF-Laminaten mittels Lockin-Thermographie und Bestimmung der CAI-Restfestigkeiten. 1.Kunststoffkolloqium.