Validation, Measurement and Optimization of Floating Wind Energy Systems


The main objective of this project is to close knowledge gaps in the measurement and simulation of floating offshore wind energy system for commercial use. The partners University of Stuttgart, Hamburg University of Technology and engineering consultant sowento GmbH collaborate with French prototype FLOATGEN at the SEM-REV test site for a period of 36 months. The project covers full-scale measurements, numerical modeling, control and optimization of a floating offshore wind energy system. The dynamic behavior of the floating wind turbine prototype will be reproduced numerically by models of different levels of detail. Two Lidar systems will be installed on the prototype for a six-month measurement campaign to obtain the power curve and the wake measurements. The nacelle-mounted Lidar will be used to validate methods to obtain the power curve. The wake measurements, on the other side, will be used to validate aerodynamic models, which can reproduce the wake behind the turbine.


July 2019 to June 2022

Project coordination:
Stuttgarter Lehrstuhl für Windenergie (SWE) - Universität Stuttgart

funded by BMWi
with 1.3 Mio. €
and by Marinet2



Content at SWE

- Preparation of overall system measurements
- LiDAR measurement campaign for power curve
- Preparation of synchronized VAMOS measurements

Further information about the group

- Development of simulation models and verification
- System identification and model validation
- Simulation of the power production
- Simulation of the wake
- Derivation of controller design model

Further information about the group

Contact at SWE

This image shows Umut Özinan

Umut Özinan


Research Associate

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