Pfaffenwaldring 31
70569 Stuttgart
Most of my research and industrial work has covered crash and material process/manufacture
simulation for the Automotive and Aerospace industries. Some areas of particular interest include:
- Simulation of impact/crash for metal and composite materials.
- Simulation of processing and manufacturing for metal and composite materials.
- Design and optimisation of composite structures.
Undergraduate and postgraduate degrees were undertaken at the University of Surrey, UK, followed by twenty years in industry; 16 years of which were as Technical Manager at Engineering Systems International (ESI GmbH) in Germany. I then joined Cranfield University as a Professor in the Advanced Materials group undertaking research and teaching in Finite Element simulation and composites material. Since 2007 I have returned to Germany to undertake research and teaching at the Institut für Flugzeugbau and also to work as technical director at ESI GmbH.