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70569 Stuttgart
Raum: 0.56
- Liebl, Michael; Engelfried, Mathias; Carosella, Stefan; u. a. (2022): Determination of the Bending Stiffness of Spread Carbon Fibre Tows Applied with Reactive Binder, in: Jasper Rieser, Felix Endress, Alexander Horoschenkoff, u. a. (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the Munich Symposium on Lightweight Design 2021, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg (Proceedings of the Munich Symposium on Lightweight Design 2021), S. 59--67, doi: 10.1007/978-3-662-65216-96.
- Liebl, Michael; Engelfried, Mathias; Carosella, Stefan; u. a. (2021): Investigation of the friction behaviour of spread carbon fibre tows with reactive binder, in: SAMPE Europe Conference, Baden/Zürich -- Schweiz (SAMPE Europe Conference).
- Engelfried, Mathias; Aichele, Benedikt; Middendorf, Peter (2020): Investigation of the Friction between Dry and Wetted Carbon Filaments, in: Procedia Manufacturing, (Procedia Manufacturing), Jg. 47, S. 60--64, doi: 10.1016/j.promfg.2020.04.130.
- Engelfried, Mathias; Antonin Mavoungou, Lyane; Verspohl, Ilja; u. a. (2018): Generating Representative Volume Elements of Yarns with Non-Circular Filaments’ Cross-Sections, in: FPCM - 14th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials, Lule\aa, Sweden (FPCM - 14th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials).
- Heudorfer, Klaus; Engelfried, Mathias; Fial, J.; u. a. (2018): Characterisation of the Forming properties of wide unidirectional prepreg tapes using the advanced ply placement (APP) process, in: 8th EASN - CEAS International Conference on Manufacturing for Growth & Innovation, Glasgow, Scotland (8th EASN - CEAS International Conference on Manufacturing for Growth & Innovation).
- Poppe, Christian; Fial, J.; Kräger, Luise; u. a. (2017): Zeit- und kosteneffiziente Prozess- und Produktentwicklung für den Hochleistungs-Faserverbundleichtbau mittels Nasspresstechnologie, in: 4. Technologietag Hybrider Leichtbau, Stuttgart (4. Technologietag Hybrider Leichtbau).
- Heudorfer, Klaus; Engelfried, Mathias; Fial, J.; u. a. (2017): Investigation of a New out of Autoclave Placement Process, Mould Concepts/Release Strategies and Reusable Heated Bagging Material, in: 7th EASN International Conference, Warsaw, Poland (7th EASN International Conference).
- Engelfried, Mathias; Fial, J.; Tartler, Manuel; u. a. (2017): A Mesoscopic Approach for Draping Simulation of Preforms Manufactured by Direct Fibre Placement, in: 20th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Dublin, Ireland (20th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming).
- Tartler, Manuel; Hägele, D.; Fial, J.; u. a. (2016): Investigation and Simulation of Forming Behaviour of Preforms Made by Direct Fibre Placement, in: ECCM17 17th European Conference on Composite Materials, Munich (ECCM17 17th European Conference on Composite Materials).
- Engelfried, Mathias; Nosek, Tomas; Heieck, Frieder; u. a. (2016): Mesoscopic draping simulation of out-of-autoclave prepregs and experimental validation, in: ECCM17 17th European Conference on Composite Materials, Munich (ECCM17 17th European Conference on Composite Materials).
- Engelfried, Mathias; Nosek, Tomas; Heieck, Frieder; u. a. (2016): Lowflip - Draping Simulation of Prepregs at Mesoscopic and Macroscopic Level, in: d, Munich (d).
2009-2015: Studium des Maschinenbaus an der Universität Stuttgart
seit 2015: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Flugzeugbau