LIKE fosters training and education of the next generation of researchers on emerging laser-based wind measurement technologies and their translation into industrial applications.


Doppler lidars, which measure the wind in the atmosphere from a distance, have reduced their price and increased their reliability over the last ten years, mainly performed by European universities and companies serving the growing wind energy industry. This opens the possibility for new applications in many areas.

LIKE (LIdar Knowledge Europe) is improving, testing and refining the technology, thereby expanding these applications. LIKE promotes wind energy applications such as mapping of wind resources using scan lidars and control of individual wind turbines or entire wind farms to increase energy production and reduce mechanical stress.

LIKE trains 15 researchers at European academic institutions and industrial companies at an outstanding level, creating strong interdisciplinary relationships between industry and technical sciences.

further Information about the project


10/2019 - 09/2023

Project coordination:
DTU- Department of Wind Energy (Dänemark)

Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Actions (MSCA)
with 4,127,798.88 Euro

Content at SWE

  • To develop a general uncertainty quantification (UQ) model for wind lidar measurements in order to estimate both hardware and data processing uncertainties to increase reliability.
  • Analysis of vertical profiling and forward looking lidars to validate the model.
  • To develop an open source modular toolbox for the wind energy community using Python to improve UQ. Make it usable for all lidar applications.

Further information about the group

Contact at SWE

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