FLOAWER is the EU-funded “ FLOAting Wind Energy netwoRk”, a European project that brings together leading academics and industry leaders in the offshore wind industry, and floating wind turbines in particular. The goal of the project is to strengthen the leadership and competitiveness of this industry in Europe. FLOAWER is an Innovative Training Network (ITN), granted via EU H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA), within which interdisciplinary training will be provided to 13 Early Stage Researchers (ESR) in different research fields related to floating wind energy.
The four scientific work packages of the FLOAWER programme are as follows:
• Wind Resource Assessment in deep water
• Advanced floater analysis
• Dynamics of wind turbine
• System design to reduce Levelized Cost of Energy
11/2019 - 10/2023
Project coordination:
Centrale Nantes (ECN) (France)
Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Actions (MSCA)
Project partners
Centrale Nantes (ECN) (France), Politecnico di Milano (PoliMI) (Italy), Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg (UOLD) (Germany), University of Stuttgart (SWE) (Germany), CNRS (France), University College Cork (UCC) (Ireland), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) (Norway), Technical University of Denmark (Denmark), WavEC Offshore Renewables (Portugal) and University of Rostock (UROS) (Germany)
Content at SWE
- General study and analytical comparison of different methods to measure wind conditions offshore with a LiDAR from different floating platforms
- Assessment of the measurement uncertainties of these methods
- Analysis of the suitability of these methods for wind resource assessment and power curve determination
- Development and verification of new and extension of existing simulation environments for LiDAR measuring methods on floating structures
No content in this project.
Contact at SWE

Oliver Bischoff
Dipl.-Ing.Research Associate