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Allmandring 5b
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 2.37
- Bischoff, O., Hofsäß, M., Clement, D., Schmitt, C., & Cheng, P. W. (2024). Lidar error in complex terrain - case study based on two measurement campaigns. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2767(4), Article 4.
- Hofsäß, M., Bischoff, O., Callies, D., Clement, D., Klaas-Witt, T., Schmitt, C., & Cheng, P. W. (2023). Statistical comparison of the lidar measurement error of different wind lidar profilers in complex terrain. Zenodo.
- Wolken-Möhlmann, G., Bischoff, O., & Gottschall, J. (2022). Analysis of wind speed deviations between floating lidars, fixed lidar and cup anemometry based on experimental data. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2362(1), Article 1.
- Hofsäß, M., Bischoff, O., Callies, D., Jäger, F., Klaas-Witt, T., & Cheng, P.-W. (2022, April). Development of an open source framework for lidar data correction in complex terrain.
- Bischoff, O., Wolken-Möhlmann, G., & Cheng, P. W. (2022). An approach and discussion of a simulation based measurement uncertainty estimation for a floating lidar system. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2265(2), Article 2.
- Bischoff, O., Wolken-Möhlmann, G., & Cheng, P. W. (2021). Presentation and validation of a simulation environment for floating lidar systems. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018(1), Article 1.
- Lemmer, F., Fröhlich, C., Bischoff, O., Cheng, P. W., & Eca, L. (2019). Modelling uncertainty in the validation of the hydrodynamics of a floating offshore wind turbine. Proceedings of the WESC 2019.
- Bischoff, O. (2019, December). Sensitivity analysis of the measurement performance of floating lidar systems for different meteorological parameters. Wind Energy Science Conference 2019.
- Bischoff, O., Yu, W., Gottschall, J., & Cheng, P. W. (2018). Validating a simulation environment for floating lidar systems. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1037, 052036.
- Yu, W., Bischoff, O., Cheng, P. W., Wolken-Moehlmann, G., & Gottschall, J. (2018, November). Validation of a simplified LiDAR-buoy model using open sea measurements. ASME 2018 1st International Offshore 2018.
- Bischoff, O., Würth, I., Gottschall, J., Gribben, B., Stein, D., Hughes, J., & Verhoef, H. (2017, January). Towards Recommended Practices for Floating Lidar Systems. EERA DeepWind 2017 Deep Sea 2017.
- Bischoff, O., Schlipf, D., Würth, I., & Cheng, P. W. (2015, February). Dynamic Motion Effects and Compensation Methods of a Floating Lidar Buoy. EERA DeepWind 2015 Deep Sea Offshore Wind Conference.
- Gutierrez, M. A., Tiana-Alsina, J., Bischoff, O., Cateura, J., & Rocadenbosch, F. (2015, November). Performance evaluation of a floating Doppler wind lidar buoy in mediterranean near-shore conditions. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2015.
- Bischoff, O., Würth, I., Cheng, P. W., Alsina, J. T., & Gutierrez, M. A. (2014, November). Motion effects on lidar wind measurement data of the EOLOS buoy. RENEW.
- Schlipf, D., Anger, J., Bischoff, O., Hofsäß, M., Rettenmeier, A., Würth, I., Siegmeier, & Cheng, P. W. (2012, May). Lidar Assisted Wind Turbine Control. RAVE International Conference.
- Rettenmeier, A., Anger, J., Bischoff, O., Hofsäß, M., Schlipf, D., Würth, I., & Cheng, P. W. (2012, May). Development of Lidar wind measurement techniques. RAVE International Conference.
- Rettenmeier, A., Anger, J., Bischoff, O., Hofsäß, M., Schlipf, D., & Würth, I. (2012, June). Nacelle-Based Lidar Systems. Summer School:Remote Sensing for Wind Energy.
- Schuon, F., González, D., Rocadenbosch, F., Bischoff, O., & Jané, R. (2012, November). KIC InnoEnergy Project Neptune: development of a floating LiDAR buoy for wind, wave and current measurements. German Wind Energy Conference 2012.
- Bischoff, O., Hofsäß, M., & Cheng, P. W. (2011, November). Wind turbine simulation in flat and complex terrain using generic wind fields based on lidar and sonic measurement data. European Wind Energy Association Annual Conference and Exhibition 2015, EWEA 2015.