Research on the wind energy test field in complex terrain


Within the framework of the project a fully functional wind energy test site in complex mountainous terrain is constructed. The test site location has already been identified within the KonTest project (Fkz. 0325656 A-D). The test site offers both a real and a virtual environment as well as testing new technologies and control strategies to anaylse the dynamic behavior of wind turbines in complex terrain. Furthermore, new technologies and control strategies can be tested. Therefor, the open platform supports the use of wind energy in complex terrain through improved prediction of performance and turbine load as well as through yield increase and load reduction. Besides the Coordination the project includes: Construction and Operation, Microclimate and FoWEA.

Further information about the project


December 2016 to September 2021

Project coordination:
Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Würtemberg

funded by german BMWi
with 1.6 Mio€



Content at SWE

Design and test of the sensors and the measuring system
Creating a database structure
Data collection, quality assurance and plausibility checks
Support for data management
Evaluation of statistical quantities of the simulations and comparison with the measurements
Investigation of the interaction of the research wind turbine (FWEA) with the varying meteorological boundary conditions
Measurements of the vertical velocity and turbulence profiles for the location characterization and

Further information about the group

Development and implementation of a Research Baseline Controller and conception of a supervisory control strategy in MATLAB-Simulink and compilation of both for the use within different simulation tools

Development of test procedures for future research controllers in a hardware-in-the-loop test bed in order to represent the real behavior of the FWEA in the laboratory

Development of consistent numerical simulation models of the FWEA throughout different aero-elastic simulation tools ranging from reduced to high-fidelity models
IEC conform load case simulations with realistic inflow conditions in flat and complex terrain and comparison between simulation models
Comparison of measurement data from the FWEA with simulation results and improvement of models

Further information about the group

Contact at SWE

This image shows Martin Hofsäß

Martin Hofsäß


Research Associate

This image shows Po Wen Cheng

Po Wen Cheng

Prof. Dr.

Head of Wind Energy

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