
Investigation and optimisation of flexible control strategies for offshore wind farms


The overall objective of FlexiWind is to investigate and optimise flexible control strategies for wind farms. In order to investigate the effects of new and existing control strategies, simulation approaches for modelling the wind flow will be combined with methods for estimating the fatigue loads. This will enable the optimisation of wind farm operation. The individual control of each wind turbine in a wind farm allows the power output to be adapted to the current demand, thus providing important grid services such as the provision of reserve power. In addition, the load of the individual wind turbines can be better controlled and a uniform lifetime consumption of the wind farm can be achieved. In particular, the lifetime modelling aspect will be considered in detail to enable a more accurate calculation of the loads on the wind turbines within the wind farm with the help of improved flow modelling.


November 2022 to October 2025

Project coordination:
Frauenhofer - Institut für Windenergiesysteme

funded by german BMWK
with 0.5 Mio €



Content at SWE

- Wind farm flow modelling
- Modelling the aero-elasticity of wind turbines 
- Creation of a database for a exemplary wind farm
- Preparation of measured data and electricity price data 
- Validation of the models using measured data and LES 
- Evaluation of life time consumption estimation methods 
- Load monitoring and lifetime consumption estimation 
- Implementation of flexible wind farm control strategies
- Optimisation and validation of the overall system 


Further information about the group

Contact at SWE

This image shows Nico Ruck

Nico Ruck


Research Associate

This image shows Po Wen Cheng

Po Wen Cheng

Prof. Dr.

Head of Wind Energy

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