The Stuttgart Wind Energy contributes to "The Science of Making Torque from Wind" with five publication.

April 23, 2024

The Stuttgart Wind Energy at the Institute of Aircraft Design contributes to the conference "The Science of Making Torque from Wind (TORQUE)" with five publications focusing on advanced wind energy research. These studies encompass data-driven forecasting method, lidar measurement campaigns and simulations. The research subjects cover from airborne wind energy, complex terrain wind farm, and the floating offshore wind turbines and wind farm.

This research highlights innovative approaches to enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of wind energy harvesting and management. The detailed findings from these studies will soon be accessible online.

Data-driven forecasting of FOWT dynamics and load time series using lidar inflow measurements

Authors: Moritz Gräfe, Vasilis Pettas and Po Wen Cheng

Integrated floating wind farm layout design and mooring system optimization to increase annual energy production

Authors: Mohammad Youssef Mahfouz, Ericka Lozon, Matthew Hall, Po Wen Cheng

Lidar error in complex terrain - case study based on two measurement campaigns

Authors: Oliver Bischoff, Martin Hofsäß, Dominic Clement, Carolin Schmitt and Po Wen Cheng

Near-wake measurements and simulations of a floating wind turbine using a four-beam nacelle-based lidar

Authors: Umut Özinan, Moritz Gräfe, Christian W Schulz, Po Wen Cheng

Sensitivity analysis of parameters impacting the performance of an energy ship using airborne wind energy

Authors: Nicole Frommer, Po Wen Cheng

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