This image shows Andreas Strohmayer

Andreas Strohmayer

Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Managing Director, Head of Department Aircraft Design
Institute of Aircraft Design


+49 711 685 69567
+49 711 685 62065

Pfaffenwaldring 31
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 5.540


  • Professor at the University of Stuttgart
  • Head of the Aircraft Design Department
  1. 2024

    1. Albrecht, A., Siegel, J., & Strohmayer, A. (2024). A simplified automated approach for a preliminary safety assessment of distributed electric and hybrid propulsion systems. CEAS Aeronautical Journal.
  2. 2023

    1. Albrecht, A., Bender, A., Strathoff, P., Zumegen, C., Stumpf, E., & Strohmayer, A. (2023). Influence of Electric Wing Tip Propulsion on the Sizing of the Vertical Stabilizer and Rudder in Preliminary Aircraft Design. Aerospace, 10(5), Article 5.
    2. Mangold, J., Eisenhut, D., Brenner, F., Moebs, N., & Strohmayer, A. (2023). Preliminary hybrid-electric aircraft design with advancements on the open-source tool SUAVE. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2526(1), Article 1.
    3. Eissele, J., Lafer, S., Mejía-Burbano, C., Schließus, J., Wiedmann, T., Rotundo, C., Beyne, E., Hildebrandt, K., Peng, Y., Alessio, C., Moebs, N., Eisenhut, D., & Strohmayer, A. (2023). FUTPRINT50 Academy -- Aircraft Design Challenge 2022: Development of a hybrid-electric regional aircraft. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2526(1), Article 1.
    4. Brenner, F., Mangold, J., Eisenhut, D., Moebs, N., & Strohmayer, A. (2023). Deriving a year 2040 reference aircraft from a modern turboprop, implemented and calibrated in SUAVE. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2526(1), Article 1.
    5. Eisenhut, D., Mangold, J., Moebs, N., Brenner, F., & Strohmayer, A. (2023). Case study on hybrid-electric aircraft designs enabled by an enhanced SUAVE version. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2526(1), Article 1.
    6. Moebs, N., Reis, R., Windels, E., Ertman, K., van Woensel, C., Kipouros, T., Westin, M., & Strohmayer, A. (2023). Development of the initial certification and technology roadmap for the FUTPRINT50 framework. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2526(1), Article 1.
    7. Brenner, F., Mangold, J., Eisenhut, D., & Strohmayer, A. (2023). Environmental and Economic Assessment of Alternative Fuels and Power Trains on Aircraft Level. Proceedings of the Aerospace Europe Conference - EUCASS - CEAS - 2023.
  3. 2022

    1. Moebs, N., Eisenhut, D., Windels, E., van der Pols, J., & Strohmayer, A. (2022). Adaptive Initial Sizing Method and Safety Assessment for Hybrid-Electric Regional Aircraft. Aerospace, 9(3), Article 3.
    2. Mangold, J., Silberhorn, D., Moebs, N., Dzikus, N., Hoelzen, J., Zill, T., & Strohmayer, A. (2022). Refueling of LH2 Aircraft---Assessment of Turnaround Procedures and Aircraft Design Implication. Energies, 15(7), Article 7.
    3. Lay, J., Bender, A., & Strohmayer, A. (2022). Layout and testing of a serial hybrid electric powertrain for a light twin demonstrator platform. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1226(1), Article 1.
    4. Mangold, J., Brenner, F., Moebs, N., & Strohmayer, A. (2022). Aircraft Design Implications of Alternative Fuels for Future Hybrid-Electric Regional Aircraft Configurations. Proceedings of  the 9th European Conference for Aerospace Sciences. Lille, France, 27 June - 1 July, 2022.
  4. 2021

    1. Pfeifle, O., Notter, S., Fichter, W., Paul Bergmann, D., Denzel, J., & Strohmayer, A. (2021). Verifying the Effect of Wingtip Propellers on Drag Through In-Flight Measurements. Journal of Aircraft, 37(3), Article 3.
    2. Eisenhut, D., Moebs, N., Windels, E., Bergmann, D., Geiß, I., Reis, R., & Strohmayer, A. (2021). Aircraft Requirements for Sustainable Regional Aviation. Aerospace, 8(3), Article 3.
    3. Pfeifle, O., Frangenberg, M., Notter, S., Denzel, J., Bergmann, D., Schneider, J., Scholz, W., Fichter, W., & Strohmayer, A. (2021, July). Distributed Electric Propulsion for Yaw Control: Testbeds, Control Approach, and Flight Testing.
    4. Moebs, N., Eisenhut, D., Bergmann, D., & Strohmayer, A. (2021). Selecting figures of merit for a hybrid-electric 50-seat regional aircraft. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1024, 012071.
    5. Bergmann, D. P., Denzel, J., Pfeifle, O., Notter, S., Fichter, W., & Strohmayer, A. (2021). In-flight Lift and Drag Estimation of an Unmanned Propeller-Driven Aircraft. Aerospace, 8(2), Article 2.
    6. Eisenhut, D., Windels, E., Reis, R., Bergmann, D., Ilário, C., Palazzo, F., & Strohmayer, A. (2021). Foundations towards the future: FutPrInt50 TLARs an open approach. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1024(1), Article 1.
  5. 2020

    1. Strohmayer, A. (2020, February). New Challenges in Aircraft Design - from urban air mobility to zero emission air transport. 8. Fachkongress Composite Simulation.
    2. Denzel, J., Bergmann, D., & Strohmayer, A. (2020, September). Identification of the flight performance of the e-Genius-mod. 9th EASN International Conference.
    3. Geiß, I., & Strohmayer, A. (2020, September). Operational Energy and Power Reserves for Hybrid-Electric and Electric Aircraft. Deutscher Luft- Und Raumfahrtkongress.
    4. Schneider, J., Frangenberg, M., Notter, S., Scholz, W., Fichter, W., & Strohmayer, A. (2020, September). Integration of propelled yaw control on wing tips. A practical approach to the Icaré solar powered glider. Deutscher Luft- Und Raumfahrtkongress.
    5. Filipenko, M., Plötner, K., Kaiser, J., & Strohmayer, A. (2020). Elektrifizierung in der Luftfahrt für einen nachhaltigeren Flugverkehr. Physik Journal, 19, Article 19.
    6. Bergmann, D., Denzel, J., Pfeifle, O., Notter, S., & Strohmayer, A. (2020, September). In-Flight Thrust Measurement and Drag Estimation of an Unmanned Propeller Aircraft. 10th EASN Virtual International Conference on \grqqInnovation in Aviation & Space to the Satisfaction of the European Citizens\textquotedbl.
    7. Strohmayer, A. (2020, January). Future Propulsion and Integration: towards a hybrid-electric 50-seat regional aircraft. Workshop EU-Funded Aviation Research on Hybrid-Electric Aircraft.
  6. 2019

    1. Bergmann, D., Denzel, J., & Strohmayer, A. (2019). Free-Flight test platform e-Genius-Mod, Motivation for test platform, Introduction LuFo-Project ELFLEAN. UAV Flight Test Convention.
    2. Strohmayer, A. (2019, October). Elektrisches Fliegen: wann wird es zum Alltag? Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft? 8. Kaminabend Acentiss GmbH.
    3. Strohmayer, A. (2019, July). Aircraft design for electric flight. Innovative Summer School.
    4. Strohmayer, A. (2019, September). ASTORIA - Unmanned Aerial Systems Targeted at Open Research & Innovation Actions in Europe. 9th EASN International Conference.
    5. Bergmann, D., Denzel, J., Baden, A., Kugler, L., & Strohmayer, A. (2019). Innovative Scaled Test Platform e-Genius-Mod - Scaling Methods and Systems Design. Aerospace, 6(2), Article 2.
    6. Bergmann, D., Denzel, J., Pfeifle, O., Schollenberger, M., & Strohmayer, A. (2019, September). Wing Tip Propeller Technology Testing with UAS -- Concept of Pod and In-Flight Measurement System. 9th EASN International Conference.
    7. Strohmayer, A. (2019, December). Electric flight for a more sustainable aviation. European Energy Innovation Winter 2019, Pp. 46-47.
    8. Pfeifle, O., Fichter, W., Bergmann, D. P., Denzel, J., Strohmayer, A., Schollenberger, M., & Lutz, T. (2019, June). Precision performance measurements of fixed-wing aircraft with wing tip propellers. AIAA AVIATION Forum.
  7. 2018

    1. Strohmayer, A. (2018, September). The challenge of accelerating impact of academic aviation research for increased competitiveness of the European Aeronautics: the EASN approach. 8th EASN-CEAS Workshop on Manufacturing for Growth and Innovation.
    2. Strohmayer, A. (2018, February). Elektrisches Fliegen - Was bedeutet das für den Flugzeugentwurf? 25. Kolloquium Luftverkehr.
    3. Strohmayer, A. (2018, June). New Trends  in Aircraft Design  and  their Implications on  Structures and  Materials. ICEAF V - 5th International Conference of Engineering Against Failure.
    4. Bergmann, D. P., Denzel, J., Strohmayer, A., Kontis, K., & Pantelakis, S. (2018). UAS as flexible and innovative test platform for aircraft configuration and systems testing. MATEC Web of Conferences, 233, 00001.
    5. Geiß, I., Notter, S., Strohmayer, A., & Fichter, W. (2018, June). Optimized Operation Strategies for Serial Hybrid-Electric Aircraft. Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference, AIAA AVIATION Forum.
    6. Strohmayer, A. (2018, April). EASN Proposal for an Open Innovation Test Platform. EASN Open Workshop on Accelerated Impact of Academic Aviation Research for Improved Air Transport for All European Citizens.
  8. 2017

    1. Strohmayer, A., & Geiß, I. (2017, October). Power management of hybrid-electric propulsion chains. 5th More Electric Aircraft Conference.
    2. Strohmayer, A. (2017, April). Electric Flight at University of Stuttgart. Seminar, Beijing Institute of Technology.
    3. Strohmayer, A. (2017, October). A European Aeronautics Science Network - The EASN~Association. Aerospace Symposium 2017 - Manufacturing for Growth.
    4. Strohmayer, A. (2017). Unmanned Aerial Systems -- Auslegung, Einsatzbereiche und operative Rahmenbedingungen. DVW-Schriftenreihe, 86, Article 86.
    5. Strohmayer, A. (2017, September). The Effect of Wing-tip Propulsors on ICARÉ 2 Aeroelasticity. 7th EASN International Conference: Innovation in European Aeronautics Research.
    6. Strohmayer, A. (2017, September). Turning Icaré II into a test platform -- will the modifications affect aeroelasticity? 7th EASN International Conference.
    7. Strohmayer, A., & Geiß, I. (2017, October). Eco4: Hybridelektrische Viersitzflugzeuge der neuen Generation. E$^2$-Symposium - Emissionsfreies Und Elektrisches Flugsymposium.
  9. 2016

    1. Strohmayer, A. (2016). Im Elektroflug über die Alpen und darüber hinaus. Ingenieursspiegel, 1, Article 1.
    2. Strohmayer, A. (2016, June). Flugzeugentwurf für den Luftverkehr von morgen. KOLLOQUIUM Luft- Und Raumfahrttechnik.
    3. Strohmayer, A. (2016, October). Innovative Emerging Trends: A Hybrid-Electric Demonstrator Aircraft in the Commuter Category. CAPPADOCIA Workshop, 6th EASN International Conference.
    4. Strohmayer, A. (2016, November). Aircraft design for hybrid-electric flight. Electric & Hybrid Aerospace Technology Symposium.
    5. Strohmayer, A. (2016, February). Electric Flight - New ideas for tomorrow’s air transportation. Symposium E2 -Fliegen.
  10. 2015

    1. Strohmayer, A. (2015, November). Elektrisches Fliegen - Neue Ideen für den Lufttransport von morgen. Wissensforum Rathaus: Samstags-Uni.
    2. Lay, J., Schumann, L., Geiß, I., & Strohmayer, A. (2015, November). Electric and Hybrid Aircraft - Current Research at the University of Stuttgart. 10th AirTec.
  • Aeronautical Engineering
  • Aircraft Design
1989–1995 Studium der Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik an der TU München
1995–2002 Wissenschaftlicher Assistent am Lehrstuhl für Luftfahrttechnik der TU München
2002–2009 Leiter Unternehmensbereich Luft- und Raumfahrt der Grob-Werke Burkhart Grob e.K.,
Geschäftsführer Grob Aerospace GmbH, Tussenhausen-Mattsies 
2009–2013 Directeur Général Adjoint (Programmdirektor, COO) bei Sky Aircraft, Metz
2013–2015 Vice President Organization & Programs bei SST Flugtechnik GmbH, Memmingen
seit 09/2015 Universitätsprofessor am Institut für Flugzeugbau der Universität Stuttgart
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