+49 711 685 69567
+49 711 685 62065
Pfaffenwaldring 31
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 5.540
- Professor at the University of Stuttgart
- Head of the Aircraft Design Department
- Albrecht, A., Siegel, J., & Strohmayer, A. (2024). A simplified automated approach for a preliminary safety assessment of distributed electric and hybrid propulsion systems. CEAS Aeronautical Journal.
- Albrecht, A., Bender, A., Strathoff, P., Zumegen, C., Stumpf, E., & Strohmayer, A. (2023). Influence of Electric Wing Tip Propulsion on the Sizing of the Vertical Stabilizer and Rudder in Preliminary Aircraft Design. Aerospace, 10(5), Article 5.
- Mangold, J., Eisenhut, D., Brenner, F., Moebs, N., & Strohmayer, A. (2023). Preliminary hybrid-electric aircraft design with advancements on the open-source tool SUAVE. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2526(1), Article 1.
- Eissele, J., Lafer, S., Mejía-Burbano, C., Schließus, J., Wiedmann, T., Rotundo, C., Beyne, E., Hildebrandt, K., Peng, Y., Alessio, C., Moebs, N., Eisenhut, D., & Strohmayer, A. (2023). FUTPRINT50 Academy -- Aircraft Design Challenge 2022: Development of a hybrid-electric regional aircraft. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2526(1), Article 1.
- Brenner, F., Mangold, J., Eisenhut, D., Moebs, N., & Strohmayer, A. (2023). Deriving a year 2040 reference aircraft from a modern turboprop, implemented and calibrated in SUAVE. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2526(1), Article 1.
- Eisenhut, D., Mangold, J., Moebs, N., Brenner, F., & Strohmayer, A. (2023). Case study on hybrid-electric aircraft designs enabled by an enhanced SUAVE version. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2526(1), Article 1.
- Moebs, N., Reis, R., Windels, E., Ertman, K., van Woensel, C., Kipouros, T., Westin, M., & Strohmayer, A. (2023). Development of the initial certification and technology roadmap for the FUTPRINT50 framework. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2526(1), Article 1.
- Brenner, F., Mangold, J., Eisenhut, D., & Strohmayer, A. (2023). Environmental and Economic Assessment of Alternative Fuels and Power Trains on Aircraft Level. Proceedings of the Aerospace Europe Conference - EUCASS - CEAS - 2023.
- Moebs, N., Eisenhut, D., Windels, E., van der Pols, J., & Strohmayer, A. (2022). Adaptive Initial Sizing Method and Safety Assessment for Hybrid-Electric Regional Aircraft. Aerospace, 9(3), Article 3.
- Mangold, J., Silberhorn, D., Moebs, N., Dzikus, N., Hoelzen, J., Zill, T., & Strohmayer, A. (2022). Refueling of LH2 Aircraft---Assessment of Turnaround Procedures and Aircraft Design Implication. Energies, 15(7), Article 7.
- Lay, J., Bender, A., & Strohmayer, A. (2022). Layout and testing of a serial hybrid electric powertrain for a light twin demonstrator platform. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1226(1), Article 1.
- Mangold, J., Brenner, F., Moebs, N., & Strohmayer, A. (2022). Aircraft Design Implications of Alternative Fuels for Future Hybrid-Electric Regional Aircraft Configurations. Proceedings of the 9th European Conference for Aerospace Sciences. Lille, France, 27 June - 1 July, 2022.
- Pfeifle, O., Notter, S., Fichter, W., Paul Bergmann, D., Denzel, J., & Strohmayer, A. (2021). Verifying the Effect of Wingtip Propellers on Drag Through In-Flight Measurements. Journal of Aircraft, 37(3), Article 3.
- Eisenhut, D., Moebs, N., Windels, E., Bergmann, D., Geiß, I., Reis, R., & Strohmayer, A. (2021). Aircraft Requirements for Sustainable Regional Aviation. Aerospace, 8(3), Article 3.
- Pfeifle, O., Frangenberg, M., Notter, S., Denzel, J., Bergmann, D., Schneider, J., Scholz, W., Fichter, W., & Strohmayer, A. (2021, July). Distributed Electric Propulsion for Yaw Control: Testbeds, Control Approach, and Flight Testing.
- Moebs, N., Eisenhut, D., Bergmann, D., & Strohmayer, A. (2021). Selecting figures of merit for a hybrid-electric 50-seat regional aircraft. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1024, 012071.
- Bergmann, D. P., Denzel, J., Pfeifle, O., Notter, S., Fichter, W., & Strohmayer, A. (2021). In-flight Lift and Drag Estimation of an Unmanned Propeller-Driven Aircraft. Aerospace, 8(2), Article 2.
- Eisenhut, D., Windels, E., Reis, R., Bergmann, D., Ilário, C., Palazzo, F., & Strohmayer, A. (2021). Foundations towards the future: FutPrInt50 TLARs an open approach. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1024(1), Article 1.
- Strohmayer, A. (2020, February). New Challenges in Aircraft Design - from urban air mobility to zero emission air transport. 8. Fachkongress Composite Simulation.
- Denzel, J., Bergmann, D., & Strohmayer, A. (2020, September). Identification of the flight performance of the e-Genius-mod. 9th EASN International Conference.
- Geiß, I., & Strohmayer, A. (2020, September). Operational Energy and Power Reserves for Hybrid-Electric and Electric Aircraft. Deutscher Luft- Und Raumfahrtkongress.
- Schneider, J., Frangenberg, M., Notter, S., Scholz, W., Fichter, W., & Strohmayer, A. (2020, September). Integration of propelled yaw control on wing tips. A practical approach to the Icaré solar powered glider. Deutscher Luft- Und Raumfahrtkongress.
- Filipenko, M., Plötner, K., Kaiser, J., & Strohmayer, A. (2020). Elektrifizierung in der Luftfahrt für einen nachhaltigeren Flugverkehr. Physik Journal, 19, Article 19.
- Bergmann, D., Denzel, J., Pfeifle, O., Notter, S., & Strohmayer, A. (2020, September). In-Flight Thrust Measurement and Drag Estimation of an Unmanned Propeller Aircraft. 10th EASN Virtual International Conference on \grqqInnovation in Aviation & Space to the Satisfaction of the European Citizens\textquotedbl.
- Strohmayer, A. (2020, January). Future Propulsion and Integration: towards a hybrid-electric 50-seat regional aircraft. Workshop EU-Funded Aviation Research on Hybrid-Electric Aircraft.
- Bergmann, D., Denzel, J., & Strohmayer, A. (2019). Free-Flight test platform e-Genius-Mod, Motivation for test platform, Introduction LuFo-Project ELFLEAN. UAV Flight Test Convention.
- Strohmayer, A. (2019, October). Elektrisches Fliegen: wann wird es zum Alltag? Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft? 8. Kaminabend Acentiss GmbH.
- Strohmayer, A. (2019, July). Aircraft design for electric flight. Innovative Summer School.
- Strohmayer, A. (2019, September). ASTORIA - Unmanned Aerial Systems Targeted at Open Research & Innovation Actions in Europe. 9th EASN International Conference.
- Bergmann, D., Denzel, J., Baden, A., Kugler, L., & Strohmayer, A. (2019). Innovative Scaled Test Platform e-Genius-Mod - Scaling Methods and Systems Design. Aerospace, 6(2), Article 2.
- Bergmann, D., Denzel, J., Pfeifle, O., Schollenberger, M., & Strohmayer, A. (2019, September). Wing Tip Propeller Technology Testing with UAS -- Concept of Pod and In-Flight Measurement System. 9th EASN International Conference.
- Strohmayer, A. (2019, December). Electric flight for a more sustainable aviation. European Energy Innovation Winter 2019, Pp. 46-47.
- Pfeifle, O., Fichter, W., Bergmann, D. P., Denzel, J., Strohmayer, A., Schollenberger, M., & Lutz, T. (2019, June). Precision performance measurements of fixed-wing aircraft with wing tip propellers. AIAA AVIATION Forum.
- Strohmayer, A. (2018, September). The challenge of accelerating impact of academic aviation research for increased competitiveness of the European Aeronautics: the EASN approach. 8th EASN-CEAS Workshop on Manufacturing for Growth and Innovation.
- Strohmayer, A. (2018, February). Elektrisches Fliegen - Was bedeutet das für den Flugzeugentwurf? 25. Kolloquium Luftverkehr.
- Strohmayer, A. (2018, June). New Trends in Aircraft Design and their Implications on Structures and Materials. ICEAF V - 5th International Conference of Engineering Against Failure.
- Bergmann, D. P., Denzel, J., Strohmayer, A., Kontis, K., & Pantelakis, S. (2018). UAS as flexible and innovative test platform for aircraft configuration and systems testing. MATEC Web of Conferences, 233, 00001.
- Geiß, I., Notter, S., Strohmayer, A., & Fichter, W. (2018, June). Optimized Operation Strategies for Serial Hybrid-Electric Aircraft. Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference, AIAA AVIATION Forum.
- Strohmayer, A. (2018, April). EASN Proposal for an Open Innovation Test Platform. EASN Open Workshop on Accelerated Impact of Academic Aviation Research for Improved Air Transport for All European Citizens.
- Strohmayer, A., & Geiß, I. (2017, October). Power management of hybrid-electric propulsion chains. 5th More Electric Aircraft Conference.
- Strohmayer, A. (2017, April). Electric Flight at University of Stuttgart. Seminar, Beijing Institute of Technology.
- Strohmayer, A. (2017, October). A European Aeronautics Science Network - The EASN~Association. Aerospace Symposium 2017 - Manufacturing for Growth.
- Strohmayer, A. (2017). Unmanned Aerial Systems -- Auslegung, Einsatzbereiche und operative Rahmenbedingungen. DVW-Schriftenreihe, 86, Article 86.
- Strohmayer, A. (2017, September). The Effect of Wing-tip Propulsors on ICARÉ 2 Aeroelasticity. 7th EASN International Conference: Innovation in European Aeronautics Research.
- Strohmayer, A. (2017, September). Turning Icaré II into a test platform -- will the modifications affect aeroelasticity? 7th EASN International Conference.
- Strohmayer, A., & Geiß, I. (2017, October). Eco4: Hybridelektrische Viersitzflugzeuge der neuen Generation. E$^2$-Symposium - Emissionsfreies Und Elektrisches Flugsymposium.
- Strohmayer, A. (2016). Im Elektroflug über die Alpen und darüber hinaus. Ingenieursspiegel, 1, Article 1.
- Strohmayer, A. (2016, June). Flugzeugentwurf für den Luftverkehr von morgen. KOLLOQUIUM Luft- Und Raumfahrttechnik.
- Strohmayer, A. (2016, October). Innovative Emerging Trends: A Hybrid-Electric Demonstrator Aircraft in the Commuter Category. CAPPADOCIA Workshop, 6th EASN International Conference.
- Strohmayer, A. (2016, November). Aircraft design for hybrid-electric flight. Electric & Hybrid Aerospace Technology Symposium.
- Strohmayer, A. (2016, February). Electric Flight - New ideas for tomorrow’s air transportation. Symposium E2 -Fliegen.
- Strohmayer, A. (2015, November). Elektrisches Fliegen - Neue Ideen für den Lufttransport von morgen. Wissensforum Rathaus: Samstags-Uni.
- Lay, J., Schumann, L., Geiß, I., & Strohmayer, A. (2015, November). Electric and Hybrid Aircraft - Current Research at the University of Stuttgart. 10th AirTec.
- Aeronautical Engineering
- Aircraft Design
1989–1995 | Studium der Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik an der TU München |
1995–2002 | Wissenschaftlicher Assistent am Lehrstuhl für Luftfahrttechnik der TU München |
2002–2009 | Leiter Unternehmensbereich Luft- und Raumfahrt der Grob-Werke Burkhart Grob e.K.,
Geschäftsführer Grob Aerospace GmbH, Tussenhausen-Mattsies |
2009–2013 | Directeur Général Adjoint (Programmdirektor, COO) bei Sky Aircraft, Metz |
2013–2015 | Vice President Organization & Programs bei SST Flugtechnik GmbH, Memmingen |
seit 09/2015 | Universitätsprofessor am Institut für Flugzeugbau der Universität Stuttgart |